3 Confused but sure

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After they had arrived at the castle, Sombra took off his dark coat, and took Fluttershy to his room for a check up. When they got there, Fluttershy was laid down on his bed and he searched for any injuries. He removed his red coat off from her body and saw on her rightside. Cuts and bloodied bruises everywhere. a broken wing, and a completely red eye.

He was shocked. He was never that badly bruised in all his life, but yet he remained calm. He powered up his aura and looked into her memories. Seeing what happened and what had took her down, He understood but couldn't hear a thing.

He got a Pale of warm, clean water and started on treating Fluttershy's wounds, and pached her right eye and bandaged her right wing. after a half hour or so, he was finished and laid Fluttershy on the bed and covered her with warm sheets.

Sombra was exausted, walking in heavy snow, searching for hope of change, He just decided to lay down next to her and keep an eye untill she woke up.

Fluttershy groaned for a second and Sombra heard it and turned to his left side, facing Fluttershy's patched eye on the side.

He let out a sigh and closed his eyes. Sombra nearly fell assleep untill Fluttershy turned on her right side. She couldn't feel any pain for now, But her nose tip met with Sombra's and he just woke up in shock, Quickly jumping onto his feet, and slightly blushing and touching his nosetip asif he wanted to feel if it was still attached.

Sombra just sat on his hind hoofs untill his own mind broke into thinking

She turned so she still lives, she survived. He thought.

Sombra couldn't risk lying next to Fluttershy again. but all he knew is that he has to sleep on a uncomfortable position on the corner of his bed. He decided, though he was tired, to stay awake untill Fluttershy woke.

He went to the kitchen to make some peppermint tea and he brought two cups incase she woke up.

To Sombra's suprise, she was coming to. Whincing while she felt pain on her right side of her whole body but none on the left. He didn't know if she'd wake up at that time so he left.

Finaly she opened her left eye. The room was lighted, but not too light. Red curtains, red sheets, almost everything was in black and red but the floors was made with snow white tiles.

Warm sheets and the smell of Peppermint tea, she sat upstraight, and ubsorved the room untill she saw Sombra. She got a huge freight. Her eyes staring big and afraid, he handed her a cup, filled with peppermint tea and honey

'' Drink, you need to build up your strength.'' was the first he said.

Fluttershy shook her head afraid ''nuh, uh!'' she replied

Sombra just sat the tea next to her side, it was still hot so it might need to cool down a bit.

'' You were passed out when I had foud you, a whole lot of cuts and bruises, and a broken wing.'' he told her worried

she looked to her right side and saw her wing is treated and all of her bruises. even her right eye.

'' Thank you.'' she said feeling a bit ashamed of her manners

He nodded while carrying the tray of a empy pot of peppermint tea and before he could reach the kitchen, he heard a thud, coming from the bedroom he just left.

He threw the tray on his way back, running to see what is going on. When he got to the door, he saw Fluttershy on the floor, Trying to stand up.

'' Oh, No! You are going back to bed,'' he said while lifting her up.

'' No, I just have to move, please.'' she said struggling

'' Not untill you get better,'' he said taking the peppermint tea again, this time lifting it nearby her nose.

'' Drink, Please?'' he asked her as nicely he could.

This time Fluttershy took it and Drank it slowly.

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