My rise to power part II

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I arrived at the castle five minutes before 7:30. I saw Mr. Guzanas at the door collecting the invitation. I gave him my invitation. Got my name tag and walked in into the dance hall.

It was so amazing and so bright that it blinded me, it was made for me their future QUEEN!!!! I knew that it wasn't time for me to think like that have to first get the prince to fall madly in love with me

I giggled at myself for thinking such stupid thoughts so early in the game but I couldn't help the way I felt because I couldn't wait to




There were about 25 girls already in the dance hall talking about the prince excitedly trying to guess who he was going to pick a lot of the girls were confident that they were going to get him I watched them with a smirk waiting for the party to began Mr. Luis the royal announcer called for attention it got quiet while he talked he said thank for coming and that he's looking forward to the coming months of courtship and good lucky to you all the Mr. Luis stepped back introducing the king and prince they walked up waving then king Alfred smilies said that all young lady's must introduce themselves as there names are called

Names were called in groups of 15 the first two groups of girls lined up bowed said their names and walked away I was in the third group of girls to greet them I was the sixth person in our group to greet the king and prince I curtsied, smiled said "I'm Sara Mendoza, my lords it's a great honor to be in your presents while talked the prince and the king couldn't take their eyes off me I felt my skin glowing with the pride of being worshipped it may seem arrogant but the way prince Ronald is looking at me he is already mine you lose girls I am yo, u queen I bowed to the king first then prince then I stepped to the side for the next girl my group finished the next four groups half an hour later the girls greeting ended

Then the king said "that he wanted to introduce the royal guard that was here to protect my son and to have a good time so let's get this party on the road "After he finished talking about a hundred men came out former wear after introduced themselves the music started it was one song of my favorites by Three Day Grace Riot everybody started dancing like freaks next song was a Katy Perry song think it's called Darkhorse after a while I stopped dancing to sit and watch my supposed competition their girls in red, white, yellow and a weird dark brown dress with ruffles there is a little competition with one girl who is currently dancing with prince Ronald

She has pretty light brown hair just above her ears with hazel eyes I watched until Ronald went to the next girl before I walked to her and said hi I'm Sara what's your name she smiled saying her name is Luisa we talked for an hour and I knew within twenty minutes she'd be a problem have to kind an eye on her or she'll think his hers I'll have to set her straight.

Throughout the night Prince Ronald talked, danced, and laughed with all the girls when He got to me 2 hours into the party I watched him walk over to me his pretty cute with dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, and about 6 feet 5 inches tall when he reached me he said: "hello Sara Mendoza would you like to dance ?"I said I love to we danced to the song Say Something it was over fast then he was off to the next girl I must crush any hope they're holding on to so that they know their place is beneath me watch out the queen is coming through.

The night was coming to a close so Mr. Luis called for quiet so he could read off five names of girls the prince liked best they're Luisa Gonzales age 16, Celia Ortega age 18, Adoncia Pena age 20, Sara Mendoza age 15 and Genoveva

Reyes age 15 when he finished reading off the name said the five names just called stay for a few minutes we have information on your scheduled dates we got a letter with the month, day, and time we meet the prince for our dates mine is October second I can't wait for my day with my prince

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