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The announcement was sent out the next day that I'd be queen of Arbolito* mom comes running in the kitchen all excited with a big grin saying the letter came i jumped up said mom read it she  smiled at me then began reading:

To all citizens of Hierba de cristal* we are happy announce that our future queen has been chosen her name is Sara Mendoza she is fifth teen years old lives with her mother and father Nasala ,Alejandro Mendoza she also has four older brothers Jordan (25) ,Antony (23) ,Michael (20) and Phillip (17). We hope that you will show them the same respect you'd give the royal house The wedding will be on December 20, 2013 we'd like all citizen to come and celebrate princes Ronald and Sara marriage


the royal house

Mom grin at me when she finished reading. She noticed a personal letter in the envelope addressed to me  she handed it to me turned her back to me started talking to the others saying

"it's really nice that they mentioned us I can't help but think that we're going to get a lot attention you boys better be on your best behavior and we all should watch how we dress people are going to talk about us now".

That's ok because I want the  attention of everyone love me worship me ,that's like what I've been dreaming about i cant wait for it to became a reality I grin opening the letter 

It reads:

Hey sara how are you are things going well I was hoping that  I'd be able to come over for dinner and meet your family officially  I'm thinking next Tuesday at 6:30 if that's ok call me on my cell phone the number is 0679-473-0834 so call as soon as possible I also wanted to say that I can't wait to get to know you better can we hang out today or tomorrow call ok sincerely your future husband.

I called Ronald two hours later he answered on the third ring hello his baritone voice chimed over the line I took a deep breath

" hi prince Ronald this is Sara Mendoza"

" you can drop the prince just call me Ronald how are you did you make a decision about dinner and your date?"

" yes Tuesdays good and if you want to hang today's good for me what time will you be here

" ok I'll come over in a hour. Can you be ready to go by then?"

"Ok" was my answer we said "bye" before we hung up I ran my room to get ready

Hour later

He drove up at 5:00 o'clock got out of the car walked up to the door. Before he could knock I opened it meeting him half way. He smiled as soon as he saw me standing in front of him that's a good smile his so mine I thought smiling

said" hello Ronald you look good where are we going?"

"Dancing and dinner if you don't want to we can do always do something else"

" No that's fine i like dancing"

"Okay then are you ready to hit the ride?" he said smiling

I said yes he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his car opened the door for me an stood back  looking at me saw what I was wearing and gave me a funny look  i asked what that look was for looking  myself over to see what I lacked or if my outfit was bad choice it looked fine to me

I wore a lime green spaghetti strap shirt with a black jacket a pair of black skinny jeans with black sparky flat shoes" if it's to plain i can change if you don't mind waiting?" He just nodded with a smile and walked in to sit and wait in the living room  that a- hole ain't nothing wrong with my outfit i screamed in my head

Running to my room looked though my old and new dresses found a white dress I wore to a party the year I turned 14 it was above the knee kind of netted with elbow leith sleeves with red shoes and purse I checked my hair none of the curls fell so that good

I looked myself over the prince is going to fallout when he sees me walking into the living room dad saw me first said ah here she is Ronald turned with a smile that turned to open mouth awe as soon as he saw me he fixed his expression with a little gasped saying that i  looked beautiful. He walked over to me grabbed my hand kissed it and said are you ready my love I giggled said yes my prince

All the while thinking  you fool you're going to regret loving me we got in the car drove to haven the best Dance and dining restaurant in town we danced laughed and talked all night his head over heels for me it's going to be easy to manipulate him my rise to power is going to be a walk in the park

Tuesday night dinner with the prince

Mom was running around the house like the devil was snapping at her heels getting ready for Ronald's visit  cleaning ,cooking and telling my brothers to be on their best behavior tonight and not to embarrass our family I helped mom with a little of everything until a little after five when i had to stop so i could go get ready.

I washed for fifteen minute got out did my hair in a curly up do my outfit was a red shirt and blue jeans red Jordan's a hour later I was in the kitchen asking if everything ready she said " yes sweet heart the food will be done in six minutes the house is clean your brothers have been warned so don't worry OK"

There was a knock on the door I went to answer but my father beat me to it he opened the door " hello my lord pleases come in dinner will be ready in a little while " I ran over gave Ronald a big hug when he walked in said "hi I'm happy that you came hope you like enchiladas" right after I said that mom called us for dinner my brothers came running down the stairs saw Ronald bowed quickly still running toward the dining room because enchiladas are their favorite

Me and Ronald walked slowly to the kitchen in no rush we talked a little i was getting my claw in him more and every time we met his  wrapping around my fingers with every touch whisper and smile his becoming more infatuated with me

I can see the fire of devotion in his eyes like he'll do anything for me. Dinner pass in a blur of small talk , smiles and laughter but I was to distracted to pay much attention to what they said someone tapped me I looked to my right to see mom looking at me strangely "honey are you OK?"she said in a worried voice looking around I saw the same exasperation on everybody's face" I'm fine ,sorry I was thinking about something and didn't hear you so what were you saying ?"

They started laughing "what had your mind so occupied Sara "said Philip me nothing much just the wedding I said with a little blush of embarrassment at the looks they gave me mom cleared her changing the subject the rest of dinner was more small talk twenty minutes later prince Ronald said good night to

my parents and brothers walking to the door holding my hand I started to say good night when Ronald pulled me close and kissed me sweetly then pulled away said next week on February 26 you're to start training to be my wife report to Mrs. Zaria at 6:30a.m OK goodnight my Sara sweet dreams I watched him drive away

My training

I don't like Mrs. Zaria she's a pain always saying do this do that uh can you be any more of a bitch I hide my irritation with smiles ,thank you and saying I'm doing my best.

It when on like this for a week when Mrs. Zaria finally said "your doing better we'll be intensifying your training you can leave for the day Sara" I said ok and walked out the training hall to call my mother to come pick me up

Hi to you reading this story thank you i hope you enjoyed it if you did comment if you didn't comment I'd like to get criticized please help me improve


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