I Love you

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Ronald's POV

Our one year anniversary is coming up in three months. I've been racking my brain to come up with a good gift for my Sara

I even went to my mother for advice about it. She suggest that I make her something with my own two hands.

So I thought for a while until a great idea came to me. I'm going to learn how to cook. So I can make a anniversary meal for her that's edible. I'll ask Mr. Fayas the royal cook for lessons on how to cook.

Mr. Fayas has agreed to teach me. He said that we'll get started tomorrow at 7:30 am and not to be late

Sometime later

It's been hard learning something I've never done before. It challenges me in ways I never would have imagined but its been a whole lot of fun.

Mr. Fayas is a wonderful teacher. He make his lessons easy to understand. I've learned a lot about food and how to prepare it.

Time flow by as I studied the art of cooking. It felt like days instead of weeks passing. Until Our anniversary was right around the corner.

I can't believe it's tomorrow. I'm not sure I'm prepared enough. I just started understanding somethings and others are still out of my reach. But I'm super excited to show my wife what i've learned for her.

The next day

I woke up at 5:30 in the morning to start preparing breakfast for Sara on our special day.

I have all the supplies to need to prepare the meals. I'm going to make breakfast ,lunch and dinner with snacks in between. I hope this day is as special to her as it's to me.

I was going to make her
breakfast in bed. I also got her favorite flower which is lirios tigre*

I'm hoping that everything turns out good. This will be my first time cooking something solo. Mr. Fayas was always there to taste or help in anyway I needed.

I need to thank him for everything that he did for me. I need to make sure that I show off my cooking skills. So he can be proud of me and that he is my teacher.

Everything is going well. Its looking, smelling good and thank the heavens that nothings is burnt. The food look just about done. I double check everything to make sure I didn't have raw meat or over cooked anything.

With one last look at the food I turned off the stove up flame and grabbed the plates. Then I started filling the plate's and trays with the food I made.

When I got back to our room Sara was still asleep. She looked so beautiful, serene and innocent when she sleeps. It makes me want to protect her forever.

I watched her for a little while longer before I woke her for breakfast.

I gently shook her shoulders while calling her name. She slowly opened her eyes. Looked around the room before her eyes landed on me. Her eyes held a strange light for the briefest of moments.

I wasn't sure that I saw it correctly. But I think I saw ferocity and a little bit of anger. That look didn't make much sense to me why'd she make that face?

Thinking it through for a moment a thought hit me. Maybe she's a grump when she first wakes up. I've never pay much attention to it before because she's always awake before me.

She watches me with cold eyes for a moment longer.
Then she closes her eyes takes a breath when she opens her eyes again they're softener

Then she smiled this breathtaking grin saying " Buenos dias, Feliz Aniversario mi amor " in a sleepy whispered voice.

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