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King Ronald's pov

Captain Vargas sent soldiers to investigate the castles defenses. They're looking for any weakness around the perimeter walls of the castle that we can exploit. When they returned they said security at the castle is minimal.

After hearing this, the only thought going through my head is that she's become complacent. She thinks she's untouchable. Her arrogance is going to make it easy to surround the castle and take back our kingdom.

While my mind was elsewhere Captain Vargas must have said something to the Scout because he answered an unheard question

Yes sir captain Vargas everything is all set he said. I was wondering what he was talking about but I chose not to ask

The captain nodded his head in acknowledgement he got in front of the men and told them to get ready to take the castle.

The men left get there gear ready to march on to the castle. I stayed with Captain Vargas and we talked awhile. About strategy and the likelihood of us winning.

He had high hopes that we would win. Because we had Honor on our side. His positivity made me feel stronger. We could succeed in getting my kingdom back.

Queen Sarah POV

My men are searching for the traitor that help my prisoners escape. I hope they find him soon. So I can make him feel pain beyond his wildest dreams. I'm looking forward to hearing him scream.

As I was thinking of all the ways I can extract information from the traitorous rat. The soldier I put in charge of searching for him walked in. Followed by a few other soldier dragging another behind them.  This man looked petrified. I smiled knowing this must be the traitor ,oh all the fun we will have.

The traitors POV

I was on my way home. When sergeant Chase walked up to me asking question. About my whereabouts on the night the prisoners escaped. I've been expecting this for a weeks now. So I don't pause in my answer. He seemed to believe me an send me on my way. I continue walking home.

When I got there my wife was standing in the door. She told me that some soldiers came by looking for me.   She said she didn't know where I was. That I should be at the castle.

After saying all this ,she started crying saying that they had gotten a little rough with her scared our children. After hearing all this. I knew one thing I had to get my family out of here fast.

So I told my wife to get a few clothes for her and the kids.  While I want to  get enough provisions four people last couple of days. My wife ran in  with our three children looking scared. I touched her head saying it's okay so  I'll get you out here.

We're waiting till midnight when the guards change. We'll have a 10 minute window to get out of here. We have all our things packed in the car. We're ready to go as soon as midnight hits.

Chases POV

I watch the house and I see them running around Gathering their things. Now I know my suspicion was right. He is the traitor. He has betrayed Our Queen and the kingdom

The arrogant princess :my rise to powerWhere stories live. Discover now