Honey moon

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We arrived at Vientos del Artico* airport at 3:45 am. The flight to Harmony island is scheduled to leave at 4:00.

We're staying on the island for a month. There's about a 15 minute wait until its time to board.

So Ronald and I decide to roam the airport. Its supposed to be biggest airport in arbolito.

It's covered in gold plated statures of the fifth ruling family Ron's four greats grandparents.

Who built it for they're son. Josiah who died of Scarlet fever when he was nine. It's covered in monuments too his memory. So people never forget he was here and that he had lived.

There's a lot of other people wandering around the airport  looking at the monuments. Some of the people are walking by pointing oohing and aahing with a look of excitement.

Others are reading the plaques on the stands next to the sculpture and taking pictures posing with them.

Ronald and I walked over to read one of the plaques it read

Hemos construido esta lugar para que todos puedan mirar a nuestro hijo y ver lo hermoso que fue es y sera siempre *

I finished reading and moved on to the next its all mushy crap. Meaningless drivel something I'd never say to anyone.

When I've read five plaques in a row. I start feeling eyes on the back of my neck watching me. I look behind myself  and see a lot of people watching us. When our eyes meet they wave an bow their heads I say hi with a shy smile.

I loved the way they look at us with respect and adoration. I'm beside myself with glee having  all their eyes watching me. I could've  jump with joy from all the adoring eyes watching me.

I was surreptitiously watching the people watching me. It was unbelievably awesome to have all those eyes on me.

I can't describe the feelings it awakens in me. I'm  so transferred with awe that I didn't notice that Ronald was calling my name until he shook me gently.

I turned my eyes away from the people and looked at Ronald. He had a weird look on his face Asked if I was alright. I said " I'm fine! ah I'm sorry I didn't hear you what did you say?!"

Ronald smiled saying that he was telling me that it was time to board the plane. He pulled me toward the boarding gate we boarded and began our flight to jaula de piedra castillo* in the festival mountains on harmony island.

The flight was about four hours long. When we landed on the island. The flight attended on the intercom says we can exit the plane in two minutes. Once off the plane I looked around. It's a beautiful place almost hypnotic in its beauty.

It has palm trees all around. I couldn't keep my eyes form roaming over all the sites its breathtakingly wonderful and it's all mine

Ronald pulls me toward the car waiting for us. The driver is standing by the car door. He opens the door when we're close to it with a bow saying

"la bienvenida a la armonia isla Ronald y Sara arbol de piedra. espero el vuelo no fue dificil para ti?"*

Ronald smiled at the driver and said. " Gracias sr. Stewart es agradable verte de nuevo ¿como esta tu familia?"*

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