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I've observed the royals for sometime now. Looking for some kind of weakness, that I can exploit to achieve my goals. What I've seen is queen Estrella's the rock that holds them together. If she fall so do they


I've come up with a plan to get rid of the queen. If everything goes well no one will ever suspect I'm involved. All I have to do is get the ball rolling. So I make a few a calls. Within an hour my plan was set. Now all I had to do is talk with her majesty.

I took a deep breath then knocked twice on the door waiting for an answer " Come in " came a soft voice

I entered with a smile on my face "hello Queen Estrella I was wondering if you wanted to go shopping with me in town" she said "okay just give me a little time and I'll be ready to go"

"okay I'll be downstairs when you're ready to go" i said then I head out the door.

30 minutes later

"I'm ready let's go" said Estrella's from behind me smiling i interlock our arms pulling her to the front door . The drive wasn't very long just a little over 15 minutes long.

Queen Estrella told the drive that we'll be showing for a while. So he doesn't have to wait for us. We'll call when we're ready to go. Estrella turned to me with a smile said "okay where to first Sara?"

"I'm not sure were do you want to go?"

"How about we go vestidos de rosa* its got nice stuff" she said

Okay i said we started walk in the direction of the store. It may be called vestidos De Rosa but they have a lot more than dresses.

It's like a variety store you can buy anything and everything there. It's one of the best stores in the country.

We window shop for about five minutes. Until Estrella stop in front of the jewelry shop. We look at all the different things for a while and hour later we have two bags full of stuff.

After shopping for three hour we decide its time for lunch. Neither one of us can decide what we want to have for lunch. So we just go to the lunch area to look at the different shop

What would you like to eat Sara? said Estrella

I can really go for like a burger and fries what about you? I answered

That sounds good to me let's go agreed the queen. We got our food and we sat at the table eating and talking, laughing together. It was actually kind of interesting talking to the queen outside of the castle. She's a little more interesting than I thought she was.

Shes a bit smarter then I gave her credit for as while. She'd been watching me in a way ,that made me think she may understand me a bit more than I thought she did and that's dangerous.

But that's okay because today is the end and we won't be seeing her again and she'll never stop me from reaching my goals the kingdom is mine.

After talking for a bit longer I told Queen Estrella that I needed to go to the restroom she said" it okay I'll be right here waiting for you"

"Alright I'll be right back" I said walk away to the restroom knowing that I'll never see her again my plan is complete

Queen Estrella pov

The arrogant princess :my rise to powerWhere stories live. Discover now