The Arrogant Princess :my rise to power part I

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My name is Sara Mendoza I want to tell you the story of my journey to becoming queen of a country called Arbolito* are you ready to hear of my victory ok here we go It all started two years ago on august, 5,2011 one week from my 15th birthday a letter came in the mail that was address to me from the royal palace in Hierba de cristal* that's the royal city all of the nobility and their service lives there including us my mom works in the kitchens, my dad drives them around, my brothers work in the stables, and I'm a maid. So back on the topic of the letter I opened it and it read:

To Sara Mendoza you are invited to attend a royal party that is to help Prince Ronald Arbol de Piedra* find his bride so the king is throwing a party for all young ladies 15 to 20 are welcome. You are to come to the palace at 7:30 sharp on August 25 you must bring this letter to get your name tag and enter the party



Must wear long dresses nothing

above the knee all colors aloud

Must have a mask and gloves


Because this party is a masquerade be aware that anyone not following the dress code may not enter so please wear a mask

Thank you sincerely the royal house

After reading the letter twice In early screamed from excitement but I kept my cool and ran to my mom to show her the letter she looked over the letter and said "Oh, it came, we'll have to go to the dress shop to get you a good dress and the shoe store to what color would you like you to dress to be" so she knew all about the party and didn't tell me that sucks why didn't she say anything well whatever " pink or red is cool" is what I said but I stopped myself from saying what I wanted to say which was YOU BI-CH, of course, I didn't because that would be wrong so we talked over breakfast about my outfit for the party while my brothers throw food and dad yelled at them to stop and to get going to school or work when I started to walk out the door mom said that we can go looking for a dress after I said ok and started my 5 blocks walk to school.

School is like heaven and hell all the guys and girls follow me around like little puppies wanting treats they're all so stupid I hate them all but I love the way they worship me i wish the whole world was like these idiots at my school and do whatever I tell them to do like "bow down, kiss my shoes and love me all of you "but only at school do I get treated this way, but if the prince choose me this could be everyday life with the whole country bowing at my feet begging to kiss my hand or to touch me in anyway they can

Oh how I'd love this school went by in a blur I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the possibility that I could be the one chosen by Prince Ronald to be his queen I could have the country worshipping me and that thought had me trembling with excitement which made it hard for me to pay attention in class that I didn't notice it was the end of the day and the last bell was ringing but I didn't notice until the teacher Mr. Delarosa tapped my shoulder saying my name and asking what's wrong I say nothing just preoccupied I got my stuff and almost ran out the classroom door, school and down the street from embarrassment and the need to get home

When I reached the house Mom hadn't arrived yet so I went into the kitchen to get a snack and saw a note on the table it said that I was to prepare dinner for the night and to be ready to go when she honked for me I put the note down walked over to the fridge opened it and saw Cerdoasado*,patatas* and zanahorias I thought that would be a good meal for today along with galletas de mantillas* 30 minutes later the food was in the oven I was a little hungry so I got a snack and then I started my homework about 20 minutes into my work my brothers and father came in a few seconds later I heard moms car horn so I put my stuff up and walked outside to the car then we were off to the dress shop

We got to the dress shop in about 30 minutes and it was full of girls shopping we had to shove the owner way through to look at all the red and pink dresses we got 7 dresses to try on but the dressing rooms were full so I got in line fifteen minutes later I got in a dressing room trying on the dress mom liked the red dress with sleeves I liked the pink one without sleeves but mom said red and pink made it look like I was flushed so she got 3 blue, two white, one black and one green dress and I got back in line to wait, turn mom said that the blue and black looked best on me so we put the others back then flipped a coin heads were black tails were blue it landed on heads so we got the black dress with little blue diamonds on it with straps we got blue strapless shoes a matching clutch, black gloves and black feathered mask with blue diamonds all the stopping did we left the store and drove home



The day of the party Mom and I were running around the house getting ready to go mom was trying to do my hair I was trying to do my makeup which wasn't that hard because I was already so beautiful that I didn't need much so that done I got dressed and looked in the mirror to fix anything out of place but there was nothing to fix mom smiled saying that I looked perfect then she looked at the clock it was 6:30 "we better leave in ten minutes so you're not late "ok mother " I ran to my room to finish getting ready



Arbolito: Little tree

Hierba de cristal: Crystal grass

Arbol de piedra: Stone tree

Cerdo asado: pork roast

Patatas: Potatoes

Zanahorias: Carrots

Galletas de mantequilla: Buttermilk biscuits


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