Chapter 2

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" Why you staring at my man" Hunter's fiancèe said

"I-I- uh" I start stuttering until dest jumps in the conversation

" Why was your man staring at my sister?" Xavier grabbed her waist so she wouldn't hurt his fiancèe

" Avery chill" Hunter said but his eyes never left me

" Dest you wanna hang out with us. Your sister can come along too" Hunter finally averted his eyes off me and to Dest

" Yea sure. Vi you wanna come?" She asked as she smirked. I'm gonna strangle her

" Uh yea I- I'll go" I said in a whisper. What's going on with me

" He's making you nervous"

What the. Why am I hearing voices

" Oh hi I'm Red. I'm you're wolf"

Oh uh hi

" Vi. You coming?" Dest asked

" Yea I'm coming" I jogged up to her

" What's your wolf's name" I asked her

" Mary. Why did you meet yours?"

" Yea her name is Red"

" That's great. We're actually going to this library to find something"

" Find what"

" It's a ancient book that has every supernatural creature and description of it" Hunter said

" Isn't that your power dest. Argon?"

" Yea but we need to find out about all of our powers" she gestured to me and Connor

" Who else is going?"

" Just me, you, Connor, Hunter and Xavier" dest said

" What about your fiancèe?" I asked Hunter

" She had something she needed to do" he said with a light smirk. What is with him and Destiney smirking

He grabbed my wrist pulling me to a stop

" I haven't properly introduced myself. Hunter Jackson. I believe that you're my mate" he said and I swear I felt like I was gonna faint. His bright blue eyes stared at me and I felt like I was hypnotized

" Violet - Rose Anderson. Um I guess we are mates" I said with a smile then it faded away when I realized he's engaged

" But we can't be together" I said and he looked disappointed

" Why?" He said in a whisper

" You're engaged. Remember"

" I don't wanna marry her"

" What? Why?"

" She's a bitch. All she seems to care about is money. I thought she was my mate until I saw you...." He said as he touched my cheek. I leaned into his touch and closed my eyes

" You're the most beautiful girl I've ever seen. All I want to do is protect you. Love you. Make you mine. My queen. My Luna" I opened my eyes and looked into his

" Then break up with her"

" I can't. Everyone thinks we're mates. I can't just change my mind just like that. People might lose faith in me and won't believe me anymore"

I moved back and I felt my eyes begin to water

"  You can't have both of us. It's either her....or me" i said. I turned around and sprinted to find the group. Once I found the library I saw my brother, sister, and Connor in front of the door. Connor was the first one to notice me

" Vi where the hell where you?" He asked

" Whats wrong?" Des asked and started crying. She hugged me. I just kept crying

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