Chapter 13

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" Aren't you glad to see me Hunter baby?" Avery said

" Why are you here Avery" i snarled at her and she was shocked but she had a smirk on her face. Suddenly her eyes changed silver

" What the hell are you Avery?" Hunter said in a whisper

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" What the hell are you Avery?" Hunter said in a whisper

" I'd like you to meet someone..." A guy came up behind him with green eyes. Both Hunter and Xavier roared at him. His eyes turned gold and he smirked

" Violet get you and Dest out of here now!" Hunter said

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" Violet get you and Dest out of here now!" Hunter said

" But-"

" NOW VIOLET!" He's never yelled at me like that. I turn to Dest and I was thrown to the wall beside me

" No no no Violet dear. I'm not done with you"

She picked me up by my neck and pinned me to the wall. Cutting off my air flow

"" I say faintly. She started sobbing but ran upstairs. Good at least she and the baby will be safe

" You ruined my life you bitch!" Avery finally let go of me and I fell to the ground

" This is for stealing Hunter from me!" She kicked me in my stomach

" This is for stealing the Luna title" she punched me repeatedly. I felt myself losing consciousness

" This is for stealing my powers" she kicked me in the face one more time before I was knocked out

Destiney's POV

I kept feeling the pain from Vi and Xavier. I decided to go back downstairs to help them but after I put a protection spell on myself and the baby. I saw Avery kick Vi in the face before she passed out

" Hey!" Avery turned around

" Get away from my sister you freak!" She glared at me but I used my magic to teleport her somewhere else. Where? I have no idea and I don't really care. I run to Violet but I hear a voice coming from the living room

" Until next time" it must of been that guy that was with Avery. A green puff of smoke filled the air

" Hunter....Xavier!" I screamed. They both rushed in and Hunter immediately ran to Violet's side

" She-she knocked her out and I don't know how to heal her like this!" I sobbed

" Dest. Babe calm down. Just speed up the healing process" Xavier said calmly as he held me but he let go so I can do my thing

I closed my eyes and a pinkish purple smoke came from mean Violet. She gasped but closed her eyes again

" She'll be fine. She just needs to rest" I said in a whisper Hunter picked her up with ease and took her upstairs. I looked up at Xavier and started crying. He walked towards me and held me. I sobbed into his chest and he just rubbed my back

" Who the hell was that guy?" I asked

" We'll explain later when you and Vi are better. You need to rest too my love"

" Why are you so calm about this?"

" Aren't I always calm?"

" No" I said in a baby voice. He chuckled

" You're so cute" he looked down at my stomach and i saw him start to panic

" Don't worry I put a protection spell on myself and the baby so Avery couldn't hurt us"

" So you figured out a protection spell but not a healing spell"

" I can only do so much so shush"

" Let's go" he picked me up bridal style and I squealed

* Hunter's POV*

I laid Violet on her bed and I brushed a piece of her hair out of her face

" I'm so sorry baby. I'll explain everything when you wake up.....I love you Violet - Rose" i whispered. I kissed her forehead and left the room. I looked to my left and saw Xavier coming out of Dest's room

" What the hell is Blaze doing here Hunter?!"

" Do you really think I know. I thought he was dead"

" Well apparently he's not and he knows that Dest and Violet are special. If he comes after my mate or my child it's on you"

" Why is it on me?"

" Because it was you're responsibility to get rid of him!"

" Lower your voice the girls are sleeping" he started to calm down some

" I did kill him. He must have possessed some power to keep him alive. I saw him die with my own eyes"

" What kind of power?"

" I don't know. Maybe Dest will know in her book"

" We need to add more protection to the girls. We can't risk them getting hurt"

" Agreed. Especially since Dest is how does it feel to be a dad?"

He chuckled

" It feels great but I'm scared cause I know there's someone out there that can hurt my child and my mate"

" You know what we need to do?"

He looked at me crazy and then realization hit him

" Oh no. We are not doing that"

" We have to make a call"

" No YOU have to make a call I'm not doing it. You call that psychopath"

He started walking away

" Xavier" he put his hands up in the air and shook his head. I chuckled

" You're making this call with me"

"No I'm not!" He yelled from downstairs

" Yes you are" I whispered as I smirked

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