Chapter 30

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(A/N from now on until I change it I'm going to use Violet's point of view so I won't keep having to say Violet's POV. Love you all. Enjoy)

I eventually went to sleep but I had nightmares of course. Dest did too so we just stayed up. We were planning to go to the lab but really we were planning to see our love ones dead bodies lying on the living room floor

Once Mery was awake Dest looked at me

" You ready?" She asked as she picked up Mery

I nodded. She unlocked the safe room and we made our way upstairs but to our surprised it was...clean. no blood in sight. No dead bodies. No proof

" I thought you-"

" They were here. They must have took them when they left"

" Well let's get to the lab at least and we can figure everything else later"

When we got to the lab it was different. I don't know how to explain it but it didn't feel right. Suddenly a video appeared on the screen in front of us

" Well hello Violet. Destiney. Mercery"

" Shit it's Blaze" Dest said in a whisper

" You didn't think I was gone for good. Did you?" He smiled like the joker

" What do you want?" I asked. Not thinking he would respond

" You know exactly what I want. That precious child of yours"

Dest held Mery tighter

" And I'm not going to let you get away so-" he was cut off by us teleporting to where he was

" Now you don't have a choice" he smirked. I looked around and saw Emma

" Traitor" I heard Dest say under her breath. Then I saw Chantel and Rose

" Oh. I see you realize your friend Chantel is here. Wave Chantel" Blaze said and she waved

" She's under a spell" Dest said

"You're spell" I said to Blaze


" What about Avery?" I asked

" She....wasn't a very bright person-" he started to say

" Ya think?" Dest said sarcastically and I chuckled

" As you know I turned her into a vampire"

" Yea"

" She didn't know how to control her powers. Mostly because she found her soul mate and she didn't care about power"

Who's her soul-

" Connor" I whispered

" What?"

I looked at Blaze

" You killed her because you knew Connor was going to be weak. You knew he was going to be distracted so you killed him..."

" Right again. You are on fire Miss Violet" he got out of his seat

" Anything else you want to know?"

" What's your point. In all of this. What is your plan. Why would you want to do anything like this?"

He laughed

" You don't remember. Do you?" He asked me

" Remember what?"

" You ruined my life. Both of you" he looked between me and Dest

"You're out of your mind Blaze we didn't ruin your life!" I yelled at him

He smacked me and I fell to the ground

"Violet!" I heard Dest yell

" GIVE ME THE CHILD!" I heard Blaze yell in a demonic voice before I completely blacked out

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