Chapter 12

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Violet's POV

It's been almost a year since the coronation (A/N a huge time jump i know I'm sorry). No one has seen Avery since then. They say she escaped but I'm not worried. My coronation is going to be next year. Or earlier. I'm not sure. Hunter and I have been getting along which is great. Xavier marked Dest. She said it was painful so I'm scared of when Hunter marks me

" Violet!!!" My sister screams at the top of her lungs from downstairs. I cringed cause of my wolf hearing

She ran upstairs and opened the door to my room

" What? Everything okay?" I asked I started freaking out

She had something in hand and I was a pregnancy test

"Are you?" She nodded her head fast. She was smiling but her eyes started to tear up

" Are you okay?"

" I don't know" I opened my arms for her like she did for me. She started crying. I just held her as she cried. Wow this seems like a deja vu

" What if he does want it?"

" Why wouldn't he. He's your mate" she sat up and wiped her tears

" Because he said he didn't want kids right now. He wants to get through his few years of college then have kids. What if he rejects me? What if he leaves me ? What if he-"

" Okay you need to stop. Calm down. I doubt he's going to do any of that. He loves you and he will love that baby" I said as I touched her stomach

She chuckled " you really think so?"

" Oh yea"

" Thanks Vi"

" You're welcome. So what do you

think the gender will be"

" I want a girl but I think he wants a boy"

" You're gonna name her Mercery (A/N it's pronounced Mercury) aren't you"

" Duh. You know I love that name"

Her face started to get pale

" You okay you look kinda pale"

She didn't respond as she ran in my bathroom and threw up. I ran in after her and tied her hair up

" Hello? Dest? Vi? HELLO?" It was Hunter but I smelled Xavier too

" Do you wanna tell him or should I?" I whispered to her as she finished and started brushing her teeth

" I'll do it. It should be me anyway"

" Okay. Want me to come with you?"

" Please"

We walked downstairs and was greeted with smiles from both Hunter and Xavier. But their smiled disappeared

"Everything okay?" Xavier asked and looked at Dest. She looked at me and took a deep breath

" I'm uh...I'm -"

" You're what babe" Xavier said softly as he started walked towards her slowly. He gently grabbed her hand and she looked into his eyes

" I'm pregnant" he was in total shock. As well as Hunter

" Please say something" she said as she started to tear up

" I'm gonna be a dad....I'M GONNA BE A DAD!!!" He got all excited and picked Dest up and started spinning her around

" So you're not mad?"

" No. Why would I be mad" I looked at Hunter and he still had a shock look on his face but he was smiling

"Because you said you didn't want any kids until you did your few years in college"

" I only said that was cause I wanted to make sure you were ready. When I would be I'm school it would give you more time to think about possibly having kids after I graduate. But now that you're pregnant it's even better"

" But what about school?"

" I can take online classes if you need the extra help"

She smiled so big and kissed him. I'm so happy for them

" Me too" Hunter said through mind link

" Well congratulations little bro and soon to be sister in law. Wow that's gonna be weird"

" What will?" I asked

" When we marry the both of you. You will have the same last same still" (A/N I didn't even realize this until I wrote that😂)

I looked at Dest and she looked at me. We both busted out laughing

" I didn't even think about that" i said

" Wait you two wanna marry us?" Dest said with a whisper

Hunter and Xavier smirked ( A/N Ze smirk😂. Okay I'm done)

" Okay we will talk about this at another time" i said and we laughed

We heard the door open and it was one of the guards

" Alpha...Luna"

" What is it?" Hunter asked

" There is someone here to see you" and with that the guard left. I looked at Hunter

" Who is it?" I asked

" No idea"

We made our way to the front door and froze

"What the hell are you doing here?" Hunter yelled

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