Chapter 19

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Xavier's POV (A/N say whattttt)

" Here! Here's your book Awakening!" She turned around and I gasped. This was not my Dest.

She walked towards me and snatched the book from me. The black smoke went towards her and she turned back to normal. Back to my Dest

" Violet!!" We turned and saw Violet passed out in Hunter's arms

" On no..." I turned towards Dest

" What have I done"

" No no no this was not you're fault. You haven't control over this" i said as i cuffed her face in my hands. She started crying

" She's dying...." She whispered Hunter heard and he turned his head

" Slowly"

"We have to get her to the doctor" hunter was a step ahead of me as he lifted Violet up and made his way to the door

" Shit" Dest said

" We just made a huge mistake. Fuck! " She kicked the bed

" Hey hey calm down. What are you talking about?" (A/N hey hey's fat Albert!!! Sorry I'm gonna...crawl in a hole now)

" We just did exactly what they wanted us to do?"

" You're not making any sense Destiney" Connor said

" Avery and Blaze. They wanted me to find the book because it will make me more powerful so they can steal it from me or use me as a weapon"

Her eyes were white so she was actually seeing what would happen

" How would they know-" I was cut off by screaming

"Violet" Dest said as she ran past us

We made it to the infirmary and we saw Violet screaming and trying to get out of people's grasp

" Hazel you have to calm down!!" The doctor said

" They're gonna kill me. They're gonna kill me!!" That's all she kept saying

" You have to get out of here" the doctor said towards me,Dest, Connor and Emma

" No I have to be here with my sister" Dest argued

" No you have to get out-" the doctor said as he grabbed her arm trying to push her out. But she grabbed him and threw him to the wall. Violet stopped screamed and she looked at Dest. Well a part of Dest. Her stomach. Her eyes turned black

" They want the child" she said as she pointed to Dest stomach

" Who wants the child Violet?" I asked

She looked at me

" Avery and Blaze" I looked at Hunter and Connor

" And..... Charlotte and Alexander"

" Why would they want our child?" She passed out and Dest did too but Connor caught her

" What the hell did we get ourselves into" Hunter asked

" I have no idea"

Hazel's POV


" Now that she has the book she and Violet's powers will join together. Meaning Hunter and Xavier will gain their powers as well" Blaze said

" Also Destiney and Xavier's child" Avery said

" Good work Charlotte and Alexander with leading your son to the book" Blaze said

" It was worth getting hurt by him. Because now we can use that power against Marie and Peter" Charlotte said

" Yes indeed"

" Now...we just have to wait"

" How long?" Alexander asked

" Until the time is right. Patience is the key" Blaze and Avery smirked

I gasped as I woke up

" It wasn't a dream...." I whispered. I look over and saw Dest staring at me with white eyes. They turned back to brown and looked at me with worry

" It was a vision....wasn't it" all she did was nod

" Oh my God"

(A/N sooooo that happened. Love you all. Please don't kill me😂)

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