Chapter 8

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I was currently sitting in my room and I heard a tap on my window. I brushed it off thinking it was a branch or something. I kept hearing it so I got up and looked out my window and I saw....Hunter. I opened my window and before I could say anything he jumped into my room falling on top of me

" What the hell are you doing here?! I told you to leave me alone!! And get off me" I yelled at him. He got up and offered a hand I accepted. I crossed my arms while glaring at him

" Let me explain Violet!!" He had his hands up in surrender

" What is there to explain. You want Avery I get it. Now get out" I said as I started pushing him out of the window. Ignoring the sparks i felt when we touched

"I didn't send you that text" I stopped as soon as he said that

" Liar" I whispered

" I'm not lying Vi. I swear. I would never hurt you"

" You don't know me"

" Maybe not....but when I first saw you I felt like I've known you my whole life"

Should I let him explain himself?

"Yes!!"  Red screamed at me

" Fine. I'll let you explain...." I was cut off by his phone ringing. He looked at the caller ID and immediately answered

" Hello....why.....right now.....I'll be there in 20" he hung up and looked at me

" My mom made a appointment for a fitting. I told her to make it tomorrow but I guess some other people had dress fittings. I have to go. I'm so sorry but I will explain everything I promise" he said all in one breath which I don't know how he did it. He walked towards me and pulling into a kiss. I was surprised but melted into it. He pulled away and smirked. I rolled my eyes and laughed

" Goodnight my queen" he said in a whisper as he jumped out the window

A few seconds later I heard I knock at my door

" Come in" I said

It was Dest and she was smiling big

" You saw that didn't you"

" No the door was closed"

I gave her the "really" look and she laughed

" Buttttt I did see it in a vision"

" Can you tell me anything else that happens in the future?"

" Nope....well I know he's going to love the dress you pick out"

" What are you talking about we haven't even went dress shopping" she smirked

"We're going tomorrow. Me, you, mom, Chantel and rose of course. We're leave at noon so be ready" she closed the door still smiling. Dress shopping wasn't even the thing I my mind. What i was really thinking about was if Hunter was telling the truth. I guess I'll have to find out. Whenever he tells me

Hunter's POV

I can't get the thought of Violet being mad at me. I don't even know what she was talking about. As soon as she left I turned to look at Avery and she had a smirk on her face. As soon as she looked at me it went away

" You did something....didn't you" I growled

" What? No" she said and I knew she was lying I ran toward her and pinned her against the wall with my hand around her neck

" What the hell did you do Avery?!?!" I roared at her

" I sent her the text!!! To meet you here" she said

" Why?" I pushed her against the wall making her hit her head. She groaned in pain

" You're supposed to be mine. I'm supposed to be with you. Not that dumb bitch!"

" Why you little-"

"Hunter!!" I was cut off by someone calling my name. It was my dad and Xavier. I kept squeezing Avery's neck tighter making her lose oxygen

" HUNTER LET HER GO!" I hear my dad yell but I don't listen. She made me lose my mate. All cause she was jealous

" HUNTER!!!"

(A/N Ima just leave that there..... Chapter 10 and 11 will be up in a little while. Bye bye)

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