Chapter 22

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Destiney's POV (A/N HELLO!)

" We shouldn't have left them Xav. What if something happened to them. Oh my God" i pace back and forth with Mercery in my arms. We're in Inviz right now. Away from danger but with no news about our love ones

" I'm sure they are fine" I looked at him like he was a mad man

" Avery, Blaze, Charlotte, and Alexander were at the hospital Xavier. They were coming after me and Mery (A/N pronounced Mury. I know it sounds dumb). And Violet's sharing my power so they might use her to get to me"

Xavier's POV (A/N *Kevin hart* it's about to go down)

" I get that but if we didn't leave them then we would most likely be dead or something"

Dest eyes turned gray and she froze

" Xavier take Mery" i grabbed my daughter from her arms. I put her in her crib right beside me and turned to Dest. She was still in the same position

" Babe. You oka-" I was cut off by her screaming. Bruises forming all over her. She fell to the grown and kept screaming

" What the hell is going on?!" She stopped

" Someone's hurting Vi" she said softly. Out of breath

" Who?"

" Does it matter? Someone's hurting my sister"

" Calm down babe" she looked up at me with bright blue eyes. And they weren't her wolf eyes"

" Bring us the child or your brother and Violet dies"

" I know that voice..."

" Bring the child to the place you first met your mate"

" First met.....the pack house"

" You have 12 hours to bring us the child or we kill everyone you love"

Dest fell but I caught her before her head hit the ground

" Fuck. What are we gonna do?" I said

Hunter's POV

It's hard not being able to help her. Not being able to talk. Not being able to be the alpha everyone expects me to be. I'm trapped in my own mind. All alone

"Hey you forgot about me"

No i really didn't. What do you want Blue

"To help"

And how would you do that

" I haven't thought of that yet"


" I heard that"

You were supposed to

I heard a scream and I looked up. It was Violet. These monsters were beating her. Torturing her. Draining her. She had cuts all on her face. Bruises and blood everywhere. It was frightening. I almost couldn't recognize her

" That's enough. We actually need her alive when her sister brings us the child" Blaze said

" She's gonna do it?" Avery asked

" We threatened to kill both of them so if she was smart she would do as we say"

" And once we have the child we can rule the world"

" That's why I'm taking the power"

" What why"

" Because I said so"

" BUT I WA-" smack. Blaze hit Avery to shut her up

" God you're annoying. How could you deal with her" blaze said to me. I glared at him

" Oh right no voice"

Violet groaned softly which made him turn his attention to her

" It's almost time my child" he said softly. I just wanna rip his limbs apart

" Bring them" he said as he left

Some guy walked up to me and lifted me up. I was still too weak to fight back and quite frankly i didn't want to risk anything. Especially my mate's life

(A/N I'm sorry (not sorry) for all of the cliffhangers. I might update more today if not I'll update when I can. I hope you all having an amazing day. Love you all)

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