Chapter 20

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Violet's POV

Silence....that's all we heard was silence but then we hear a loud.....cry

" It's a girl!"

Yup Dest had her baby. She looks just like Xavier. Don't tell her I said that

" What do you wanna name her?" My mom ask and Dest looks at Xaiver then me and smiled

" Mercery" I knew it

" She's beautiful" I said and I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist and I knew it was Hunter

" You two did great" he said and Xavier smiled

" Alright we should let her rest she's been through alot" Connor said and we all chuckled and started to leave

" Violet?" Dest asked and I turned around

" Can you stay back for a sec?" I nodded at her and looked at Hunter. He smiled and nodded as well. Xavier followed him out and it was just me, Dest and Mercery

" You know what we have to do right"

I nodded. I took her hand and it started to glow. Smoke appeared and turned into glitter which we sprinkled onto Mercery

" Protection spell is a go"

" Double protection" she smiled

" We haven't heard anything in months. I'm kinda scared to be honest" she said as she looked down at her daughter

" Me too"

We haven't heard anything from Alexander, Charlotte, Avery, or Blaze. Even Emma disappeared on us about a month ago

" Good think we're leaving in a few months"

We created a world so we and the pack can live without any danger

" Inviz?" I said confirming. She changed the name so much I didn't know what was the current name

" Yea. Inviz" we heard coo and we looked down and saw Mercery smiling which made us smile

" I can't wait to see her grow up" I said and Dest nodded

" Me too...sooooooo when are you and Hunter going to make it official?"

We've been talking about getting married but have been so busy we haven't really talked about it

" We haven't talked about it so I'm not sure"

"Well now that I'm no longer pregnant I can fit into a dress" we laughed. We heard a knock at the door and Hunter and Xavier peeked their head through the door

" Can we come in?" Xavier asked like a little kid

" Of course" i said

" So we have some news" Hunter said as he and Xavier sat down

" We have to leave early"

" What? why?" Dest and I said in unison

" We've spotted Alexander near our land. We think their going to attack soon and we dont want anyone to get hurt"

He was interrupted by a loud bang

" What the hell was that?!" I exclaimed. Xavier rushed to Dest side

" Stay here" hunter said

" No Hunter im coming with you" I said but he ignored me

" Destiney teleport to inviz now. We'll meet you four there" she nodded

" Hunter I'm coming with you"

" No Vi you're going with them" he said as he was about to open the door but I stopped him

" No Hunter i-"

" Violet I'm not about to argue with you just please go. I'll know you're safe"

" But what about me how would I know you're safe" he opened the door and there was a big explosion

" HUNTER!" I screamed as I rushed to his side. I turned around and saw that Dest teleported to Inviz. Good at least their safe

" Hunter. Baby please wake up" he didn't budge

I heard footsteps until they stopped in front of me

" Surprise" I heard someone say before I was knocked out

(A/N another chapter today. Yes? No? Maybe?😂. Btw thank you all for over 800 reads. You all are great! Love you!)

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