A new beginning

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~Kaede POV~

It's been a few months since I've moved to California and I'm still a sophomore...

They had me transfer into the school right after Christmas break and honestly I hate it so much here. I'm bullied here just like I was at my old school worst part is, there's more gang activity here then usual.

You'll see kids whose parents are in gangs around my school so they band together and do bad shit. They're the bad boys of the school that all girls drool over for. It's exactly like my old school, and just like then, I don't have friends.

I don't have Takashi...

Thanks to Takashi though, he taught me how to fight a while back during lunch break and helped me work out so I know how to fend for myself, it's just I miss him so much. I quickly wiped my tears as I sat under a tree at school. The bell rung and I sighed. It's too early in morning for this shit.

Oh and warning, I legit cuss like a sailor now.

My schedule is just like my last one, so I have English first period. Sadly, the person I was sat by is the son of a leader of a gang in this town which means he was the leader of his gang at school but thankfully he rarely ever shows up to English. I walked in and sat at my spot next to window and the second bell rung.

"You're finally gonna join us today Kaito?" The teacher's name asked as my table moved.

I could see his reflection in the window. He has raven black hair that had a blue tent to it, his hair is short but only short enough to cover the tip of his ears. His eyes were deep ocean blue and he wore all black like me... like Takashi... he almost reminds me of Takashi... his whole attitude when I had first met Takashi, what he wears, his hair style.

It's is just like Takashi, the one thing that's different is there face, plus Kaito has a bit more muscle... I looked up to the sky.

"I miss Takashi so much." I thought to myself.

"Kaede!" My teacher slammed her hand on mine and Kaito's desk.

"Huh?" I asked looking in her direction. Everyone was looking at me. I could see Kaito in the corner of my eye staring at me as well.

"I'm sorry, was your day dreaming more important than my teaching?" She glared at me.

I sighed rolling my eyes then laying my head on the desk. She went back to teaching when I felt a poke at my arm. I turned to see Kaito still looking at me.

"I've never seen you around." He smiled.

I put a "seriously dude" look on my face then looked away. I heard him laugh quietly and I sighed. After class finished I walked out only to feel a hand on my shoulder.

"Hey." Kaito smiled as he walked beside me. "Leave me alone." I murmured then quickened my pace.

"Hey wai-"

"Hey dumbass!" One of the jocks shoved me into the lockers. "Watch it."

He glared at me as the rest of the jocks surrounding him laughed. I glared at him then my eyes locked with Kaito's. His eyes were slightly widen, they were filled with anger.

"Whatever." I walked away and into history.

"I heard Kaito is here today, I guess they weren't lying." I heard the history teacher laughed. I watched as Kaito walked passed me to his seat behind me but diagonal from me.

"My dad is forcing me to attend the rest of the school year." Kaito and our history teacher had a full on conversation before the bell rung.

People shuffled in and sat in their seats. The jock sat behind me and I laid my head on the desk. The asshole behind me kept kicking my desk and under my seat as the history teacher kept talking.

I could hear him laughing with his buddies beside and behind. I turned around and glared at him. My eyes locked with Kaito's again, he was smirking.

"What are looking at freak?" The jock hissed as he hit my seat. He reminds me of Brent.

"Nothing, it's just that I've met dumb fucks like you before but I had to pay admission." I glared at him.

"What the fuck did you say?" The jock raised his voice.

"Bradley!" The history yelled.

"But sir! Kaede is being rude!" Bradley argued.

"Kaede?" The teacher looked at me.

"I just asked him to stop kicking my seat." I looked back at the teacher.

"That's a lie! He's lying!" Bradley

"Why is it acceptable for you to be an idiot but not for me to point it out?" I asked locking my eyes with Bradley's.

"You piece of shit!" Bradley reached out to grab me. I grabbed onto his wrist pulling him forwards so he would hit his face on the desk.

"Kaede! Bradley! Knock it off!" The history teacher yelled. "Bradley! Principal's office!"

"What?! Why?!" He rubbed his chin.

"Now!" The history teacher demanded.

"You're gonna get it now." Bradley said glaring at me.

"Can't wait." I smiled at him doing a girly wave with my fingers.

"Kaede, seriously? Was that needed?" The teacher looked at me.

"Yes, yes it was." I smiled. The teacher sat down at his desk to write down why Bradley was sent up.

I have definitely changed from last few months... I'm done dealing with people's shit. But I almost don't recognize me and that's what scares me...

~Kaito POV~

God damn this kid. I could feel myself smiling. He has good comebacks, and he has strength. And when he was talking with Bradley, Kaede's eyes looked scary, like he was ready to kill Bradley.

It was very sexy, I loved it.

After class ended I decided to follow him to make sure if him and Bradley were to fight, it was a fair fight and at the same time I got to learn Kaede's class schedule. He didn't run into Bradley or any of the other jocks. I was glad to find out I have p.e with Kaede, sadly, we have p.e with Bradley as well.

He got dressed in one of the bathrooms. I honestly wanted to see what his body looked like. To get a look like that in his eyes means he's had a rough childhood, and it's not just from bullying...

He came out wearing another plan black long sleeve and sweatpants. I wonder if he's a cutter...

A/N Hey guys! Welcome back! Just like the first book and I'm just gonna go with the flow. Hope you like it... trust me it'll get better with more drama. I have everything planned out (hopefully) and I've decided to make the chapters shorter so there will be more chapters. Don't forget to vote my fellow aliens {€~€}

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