Chapter 2: Exquisite Art?

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    Hello! Thanks for tuning in for chapter 2! Um, ok, so I want to have conversations with u guys...or like know a bit bout you, so maybe in each chapter I'll add a question before the story. If you can remember to answer than yay! If not don't worry you'll get reminded next chapter =). 

Question 1: What was the first anime you watched? And was it good or bad? 

My answer: My first anime was Naruto, but that was because of my brother so, I would usually just sit there and watch it...not to interested in it


Midoriya's P.O.V

"Ughhhh" I groaned in frustration, "Why does college have so much homework!" I whined as I slumped into my desk chair. It's only been a week and I already been given stacks of homework! But, all homework aside, college...has been pretty good! I've grown a healthy relationship with all my classmates already! Well...'All' is an understatement due to Kacchan, but besides that I can't complain! 

I then felt my leg vibrate, I reached into my pocket and was getting a call from Urakaka. I tapped the green button and answered," Hel---"

"MIDORIYA!" Urakaka yelled so loud through the phone I held it far away from my ear," Y-Y-Yes?" I stuttered a bit because my ear was pounding. 

"Where are you!?"


  "Did you forget?"

    "Forget what?"

      "He forgot Lida!" Urakaka shouted, my best guess to Lida"

       "Wait, you and Lida are hanging out without......OHHHHH" It then hit me, I promised those two I'd join them to a new museum that opened up. They wanted to hang out with me sense I'm always busy with homework," Im sorry, I'm sorry,I'm sorry, I'm SORRY!"

"It's fine...just don't make us wait too long...or were going to have to hear Lida and his speech on  how we always need to be on time." 

I laughed," Your right, I'll be there soon." I hung up and got off my seat," Sorry homework, maybe you can ruin my time another day!"

I threw on a green long sleeved shirt with blue shorts, slipping on my red sneakers. I sprinted into the living room," Bye mom!" I said quickly to her hoping she wouldn't question where I was going...but...

"Bye? Where are you going?" My mom questioned me as she turned around from the couch to face me.

"My friends Lida and Urakaka invited me to check out that new museum I told you about." 

My mom raised an eyebrow," Alriiight, stay safe."

"Thank you!" I ran over to her and kissed her cheek, and just when I was about to leave," AND USE PROTECTION!" My mom shouted back at me. 

"MOM! I'm going to a museum!"

  "Just saying...."

I rolled my eyes and shut the door, I walked out side, the cool spring air playing with my green curls. My thoughts then wondered off to Todoroki, which made me frown. Todoroki had missed four days last week. He was there Monday..but after that never showed up. I never got his phone number, so I had no way to contact him. So, when I asked Kirishima to message him he only said that he did, and that he never got any answer. I hope he's alright, I then stopped running, as I was face to face with the museum. It was HUGE, it had tall white pillars supporting the big, tall white building. I walked up the short stairs and entered the building.

When I walked in the first thing I saw was Lida tapping his watch looking up at me. "Your 12 minutes behind schedule Midoriya." 

A guilty smile spread onto my face i put my hand behind my head," Yeah, my bad."

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