Chapter 4: Realization

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   I love that picture <3, anyways...I skipped studying for a test to write (also because I have no desire to study, I'm more of a 'go with the flow' kinda gal) OKEY POKEY!


Midoriya's P.O.V

 I was walking in the hallway, heading towards class until someone tapped my shoulder.

"Good morning Midoriya!" Momo greeted showing a smile. 

  "Morning Momo! Is something wrong?" I asked returning the smile.

    "Oh no, everything is fine! I was just wondering if you would like to attend a party I'm hosting at my house! My parents are gone, and they said they wouldn't mind if I threw a party for my class as long as I don't break anything." Momo reached into her bag then pulled out a white envelope and handed it to me.

"Oh yeah, sure I'll attend!" I let out a huge toothy grin, this was about to my very first college party!

  "Awesome! All the information is in the envelope!" Momo waved then headed into class. I looked down at the plan white envelope, tearing the top open, I then pulled out a blue note card. The card had her address and said that the party was tonight at 6:00. I stuck the envelope into my backpack then headed inside.

When I was inside class 1.A the usual laughs and chatters filled the room. I walked over to my desk and from behind me, heard Momo talking to Todoroki. I tried not to eezdrop on what they were saying but curiosity got the best of me.

"So, can you make it?" Momo asked.

  " No, my old man is expecting me at home right after school tonight." Todoroki's voice had a bit frustration to it. I couldn't help myself, I swiftly turned around and said," Are you sure Todoroki? I know your dad is strict and all but...please?" I found myself acting a bit desperate which made my cheeks feel warm, gosh I'm such an embarrassment. 

 Todoroki looked at me then up at Momo," I'll try." 

A smile grew on my face as well on Momo's,"Great! So happy Midoriya could change your mind!" Momo placed the envelope on Todoroki's desk, she then winked at Midoriya and smiled at Todoroki one last time before walking off to Lida. I looked back at Todoroki, who I caught staring at me, his cheeks a tad red, he then instantly turned his head the other way. I turned back over as I heard the front door slide open. Revealing Mr. Aizawa with a clipboard in his hands ready to start yet another lesson.

"Good Morning class." Mr. Aizawa mumbled. " Today we will be going over you writing project." 

The class let out sighs, a few grumbles, and whines." Don't act like a bunch of children, your 17 and 18 for goodness sake!"

"We don't have to act like it though!" Kaminari yelled out getting a few laughs from the class.

Mr. Aizawa sighed and mumbled something I couldn't hear." Anyways, you will have to make up a hero's story, of course this hero will have to made up by your own pathetic imagination. It has to be at least 20 pages long." Mr.Aizawa then drew a date on the board," It will be due in 4 weeks, so I recommend working on it soon."

The class groaned in disappointment and annoyance except me. Personally, I'm super excited for this project! I love superheroes and even more writing and reading about them! So this assignment is going to be easy and fun! 

%Time skip%          Todoroki's P.O.V

I looked over at my clock that read the time 5:34. My father wasn't home because the police force needed his help to find a missing child, so sneaking out won't be hard. "Todoroki, can I come in?" Fuyumi, my older sister, softly knocked on the door.

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