6 only yeonwoo

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Nancy's POV:

We're now on board heading to the Philippines. I'm still worried to dabin. I don't know what's on her mind when she accepts the script from law of the jungle. I know she hates bugs as much as I do, and that show is full of bugs and other not so good things, so why did she accept it?

"She will be fine." My thoughts were interrupted when jane unnie spoke.

"Who?" I asked in my confusion.

"Yeonwoo unnie. You're thinking about her right?"

"What makes you think that I'm thinking about her unnie?" I defended myself.

"Because you are! And we are also worried about her, its not just you. Why don't you just chat her on our group chat if you are that worried about her? She just sent a picture of her there and it looks like she's having fun, so don't worry." Jane unnie is so cool at times like this.

I went to check her photo. She looked so gorgeous. Tiredness is visible in her eyes but it doesn't affect her radiant smile. I missed her so much.

She looked fine. I think she's having fun. I
smiled to myself when I think about how is she doing. I bet the staffs and crew thinks that they have a little kid to took care off on the set, because dabin is a dork. I sent a message to our group.

Aenan: we missed you dabin.

She replied back immediately

Dabni: I missed you too Nancy. ;)

I blushed hard because she's reffering to me only.

Jooe: ya! Don't flirt in front of us!

Ahin: ugh! My virgin eyes!

Taeha: I missed you, I love you yeonwoo unnie!

Hyebjjang: take care, don't forget our souvenirs!

And the rest follows.

The days goes fast. Its our last day in the Philippines. Our last song to perform. Then one of our fans requested if I can sing my part on only one you, but instead of singing only one you line, she insisted to change the lyrics by only yeonwoo. And I sang to that.

Only yeonwoo..I'm in love you..
Oje bo da gak kai gak kai wa...

The crowd are screaming and squealing. I gasped when I realized that did I just confessed on dabin? I felt my cheeks are burning and its starting to turn red. Its a good thing that dabin is not here. Hyebin unnie controlled the squealing crowd by saying we have to leave the stage now. We greet them, bid our farewells and promised that we will be back.

"Kamsahamnida!" We greet in unison.


Jooe's POV:
Our concert in the Philippines is finally over. We are so glad to meet our merries there and overwhelmed by how warm they welcomed us. I even celebrate my birthday with them. On our last moment on stage some fans requested Nancy to sing only one you, so I took my phone secretly and start recording Nancy sing, so when we were back to Korea and unite with yeonwoo unnie this will be my souvenir for her in exchange of snacks that she will bringing home. I smiled evilly with my plan. I know yeonwoo unnie has a thing for Nancy and vice versa, but they just don't admit it with themselves. This is fun. I can teased them nonstop. The thought makes me laugh hard.

"Prepare yourself Nancy and yeonwoo unnie. This yeppuda jooe will be your Cupid".


Yeonwoo's POV:

" I'm back!!!" I yelled as I open the front door of our dorm. They immediately stood up and went to greet and hug me one by one. Hyebin, ahin and jooe took my luggage to find some snacks and souvenirs. Taeha is clinging to me saying she missed me so much but my eyes are looking for a specific person.

"Nancy is not here. She's with Daisy." Jooe said.

I just nod. I can't hide my disappointment, then jooe went near me and whispered something.

"Yeonwoo unnie where did you hide your snacks from Maldives? I know you have one." She said.

"I don't have, even if I have one I won't give it to you". I teased her.

"Is that so? Well here's a deal for you, I have a special video just for you in exchange of your precious snacks." She's making a deal with me.

"What video? I'm not interested." I replied.

"I'm sure you are, its a video of Nancy from our trip in the Philippines. I know you'll liked it." She said smirking like she won on a bet. In my curiosity I took her offer.

"Okay, deal! I will give it to you in exchange of that video."

I watched it by myself in my room. There she is, a bit flustered and shy singing will all her might.

"Only yeonwoo.. I'm in love you.."

I blushed hard. This is not real, I know. But the thought of Nancy liking me is too much to handle. I have to thank jooe for this video after I convert this file to audio and put it as my ringing tone.

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