11: Punishment [ 18+ ]

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Taehyuns pov:

I was now home and I was standing in front of Wonho in his room, staring at him with a small smile. "If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be feeling this confused." I said, reaching my right hand to his cheek and caressing my thumb over his soft skin. "I've always had my eyes on you, but who knew you'd be looking at me too?" I smirked at the male who had nothing to say, he bit at his bottom lip lightly and a tint of pink was in his cheeks. "You're cute hyung...Strong too." I ran my hand down his neck the down to his wrist, taking hold of it and pulling his hand up so I could place a kiss to his hand. "I told Hyungwon and I.M the truth, the person I like is you, Wonho hyung." I smiled and he looked directly at me, his hand reaching to hold onto my shoulder. 

"Really? You really like me back?" He asked, his eyes shining from happiness, they curved into a smile along with his lips. I stared at him and hummed, "Yes, will you be mine hyung?" I asked him, sliding my fingers in with his and holding his hand, he stepped forward and nodded at me. "Of course, Taehyun." He gave me a toothy smile and I returned him one. 

"Good, now I can give you your punishment." I smirked and pushed him backwards until he was against the wall, his back pressing roughly against the wall, my hands slamming onto the wall at each side of his head, he looked down at my feet then at my arms, I leaned forward to place a gentle kiss to his soft lips, he accepted it without hesitation since he returned the kiss. Placing his arms around my neck whilst mine trapped him in a sandwich between me and the wall, he tilted his head to deepen the kiss, that's when I bit at his bottom lip roughly, he groaned out and pinched at my shoulder. 

I pulled away from him and kissed down his neck, my hands moving to his shirt to unbutton it and pull it off of him, he wriggled his arms free and slung it across the room, he showed off his abs and arm muscles perfectly, I poked at his right chest and he chuckled. "No wonder your fans call you nipples.~" I teased and he tilted his head, looking down at my shirt and smirking lightly, "Hm?" I stared at him, "Take your top off too, Taehyun." He put his hand on my shirt and I pushed his hand off, unbuttoning my own shirt and then tossing it onto the ground, he ran his fingers down my abs and went around my belly button. "Destroy me~" He smirked and I grabbed at his cheeks, pushing my lips against his again, until it got heated and we was roughly pushing each other, things feel off of his desk as we reached there, I pushed him to lay on it on his stomach.  

Kihyuns pov: 

I held my mixing bowl in my hand, stirring cake mix as I walked along the hall, heading in Wonhos room direction to get to the kitchen I stopped when I heard things falling over, I stopped and leaned so I could listen in to hear if it would happen again. 

All I heard was heavy panting and some exhaling, I was about to open the door to see if he was alright but..."Oh god, Taehyun...You're big.~" I pulled my hand back and rushed away from the door as quickly as I could. 'I am not going to get scarred again...Nope.' Rushing back to the kitchen to see everyone except Wonho and Taehyun there, I confirmed what I thought was true. 

"So..Where is Wonho and Taehyun?" Shownu asked, looking right at me whilst I slowly put the cake mix down and coughed lightly, "Well...How should I put this.." I ran a hand through my hair and bit at my bottom lip. "They're having some fun with each other, I guess." I looked away from Shownu and coughed again. "Oh, I see..Wait, what?!" He squealed out, "I'm not surprised, to be honest. I think Wonho likes Taehyun, so.." Minhyuk picked up a grape and ate it, looking around as he said that. "No clue. But I hope they get together, I ship them to be honest." Jooheon smiled and looked around, the others slowly nodded and the only two that were silent was I.M and Hyungwon. 

[ An hour later ] 

I sat on the couch with Shownu, the others went off to their rooms, except for Hyungwon who was Wonhos room mate, he decided to avoid seeing it. A door opened and Taehyun came out of the room whilst sucking on a lollipop, his hair messed up and his shirt off but his trousers were on, he zipped them up and he had a small smile on his face. 

I peeked over to him and blinked a few times, he ruffled his messy hair and looked over to me. I coughed and looked away quickly, but then I felt hands on my shoulders and heard someone whisper, "What is it hyung? You looked like you saw a ghost." I could tell he had a smile on his lips by the tone of his voice, I straightened myself up and shrugged. "Taehyunniieee~" Wonho came stumbling out of the room, he walked over to us with a weird walk. He wrapped his arms around Taehyun who finally leaned up and moved away from me, I could finally breathe. 

"Yah...You two.." Shownu spoke up, they both looked over to him and tilted their heads in sync. "Yes hyung?" Taehyun asked, "What were you two doing, huh?" He perked an eyebrow and Wonho chuckled. "That's for us to know and you to find out.~" He slid his hand down until he held Taehyuns hand. 

"I already know, you did the dirty. But let me ask you a question, Taehyun." I stood up and turned to him, "Are you going to fuck all the members?" What I asked caused Jooheon to spit take, he was walking in with his orange juice, it went all over me. "Yah! JOOHEON!" I squealed out. 

"Well no, Hyung...You see..." I noticed him squeeze Wonhos hand. "We're dating now." Wonho smirked and looked like a proud man, his eyes searching over Taehyun before looking over to me. "Oh, I see. Well---" "I CALLED IT, I TOLD YOU!" Jooheon smirked and slapped at my arm, I rubbed at it and stared at him. "Ah whateverrrrr." I sat back down and shook my head, rubbing at my temple whilst closing my eyes. 

Taehyuns pov: 

I bit my lip and looked over to Shownu who had no expression on his face, he looked like he'd kill me and he looked like he wanted to congratulate us at the same time. A smile spread over his lips soon enough and he looked towards Wonho, "Aslong as you two are happy, that's all that matters." He stood and smiled before walking out of the living room. "Whew, I thought he was going to kill us.." I put my hand on my chest and Wonho smiled widely, "So cute." He commented and pinched at my cheeks, I stared at him and flicked his nose. "Don't get cheeky, Wonho. Or I'll make it so that you won't be able to walk at all." I let go of his hand and chuckled, putting my leg over the back of the sofa and pushing myself over, stepping down and sitting beside Kihyun, Wonho copied me and leaned on my side. 

I turned my head to look at Kihyun, nudging his arm and he turned to me slightly, his eyebrows perking lightly, "When are you going to man up and sail my ship of you and Shownu, huh?" I asked him, his eyes widened and then he slapped onto my thigh, which hurt as hell. I leaned over and groaned, "Yah! That hurt him!" Wonho slapped Kihyuns leg back and Kihyun winced. "Sorry, sorry!" He rubbed at his own leg and I did the same with mine. "If you weren't one of my hyungs...I swear to it...You'll be on the ground by now.." I grumbled and turned away from him. "Such a mean mother." I felt a slap on my hind head so I rubbed at it. "I'M VERY NICE!" Kihyun squealed out and quickly moved before Wonho could hit him back. "Come back here!" Wonho said but Kihyun shook his head. 

"It's okay,  Wonho. I'll get him back later. Just give me cuddles." I frowned and Wonho quickly leaned into me and smiled, I wrapped my arms around him and held him close. "Look at you two...So cute." Jooheon, who was silent all this time, finally spoke. He sat across from us with his orange juice in his right hand and popcorn in the other. 

A/N: Lmao Jooheon pls 

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