12: The end

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A/N: So guys it's the end of this story, I hope you like it. It's going to be a shortish chapter but I will try my best to make it good for you all. <3

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It's been a good year since Wonho and Taehyun have started dating, today is their concert and they plan to let Monbebe know about their relationship, they figured it'd be safer to leave it a year before telling them instead of rushing it. The two of them have had a healthy relationship, the argued here and there but that only brought them closer, ever since the day they started dating the others have warmed up to it and also accepted the fact their members are dating. 

Taehyuns pov [ Before the concert]: 

I pulled my jacket on and grabbed my keys and phone, tucking them into the pockets and turning to face my room mate I.M, "You ready to go?" I asked him and he nodded lightly, "Let's get it!" He replied and stood up, walking out of the room with me following him. The others were waiting for us and Wonho rushed to my side, he took hold of my hand and smiled. "Get in the van lover birds." Shownu said with a wide smile as he held the door open for us, we both got inside and had Shownu sit in front of us. 

"Do you think Monbebe will accept it?" Wonho asked towards Kihyun who sat opposite him, "Don't sweat it, I've seen ship names of you two online, I think they will. Don't worry. As long as you two are happy - that is what they should think." He smiled and it calmed both our nerves. 

Wonhos pov [At the concert]: 

"I hope you take this piece of news very well..." Taehyun finished confessing to the fans about our relationship, my heart was pounding my chest as we waited for a reaction from the crowd of Monbebes. 

My eyes scanning through the first row of the audience, most of them was smiling and some were upset, but it's just how it is. We're happy and they'll learn to accept that, I suppose. 

I walked towards Taehyun and nudged my arm against him, he moved and put his arm around me, the fans responded with screams and that startled us a bit, we couldn't tell whether it was happy screams or angry ones. My heart slowly begun to calm down thanks to Taehyun who held me close to him, even though I'm older than him I feel like he's the older and I'm the younger, I like it. 

Taehyuns Pov: 

Holding him close makes me calm down, I was so scared of their reactions, they could've threw stuff at us but they didn't. They could've yelled nasty things to us, but they didn't. This is why Monbebe is the best.

I love them so much. 

I'm happy they accepted us, if they did. It's hard to tell, but them not attacking us shows they must of, right? 

I took a deep breath and held Wonho tighter to me, he looked towards me and I smiled at him. "Thank you Monbebe for understanding, we will love you just as much! We always will!" Wonho said quickly, which I found cute because he looked like he was thinking something as well.  

Third person pov [After the concert]: 

Taehyun, Wonho and the others finally arrived home from their tiring concert, they felt that this one was more hard due to the confession, as soon as they got home they checked their fan cafe, their twitter and instagram. The comment sections were flooding with messages from their Monbebes, most were happy kind of ones and some was upset kind of ones. Both of the boys focused on the happy comments with smiles smothering their faces, "Read the positive ones only." Shownu said and smiled as he sat down beside them, leaning in to also check it out. Wonho sighed out lightly as he continued to read through them with the two. 

"I'm happy that they're happy about our relationship." Taehyun smiled and slapped onto Wonhos thick thighs gently, his fingers pinching at them whilst he continued to read. 

It's nice to know they can live happily with each other, with their fans and their members, family and career. 

Taehyun pulled out a pocket size box of chocolates out of his jacket pocket and handed them to Wonho. "Happy anniversary my love." Taehyun smiled widely and Wonho took the small box, he blushed lightly and opened it to see a large chocolate heart with the letter "W" on it. He opened his mouth and squealed, "Oh my goooddd! I love you, so much!" He carefully tucked the box down before hugging Taehyun tightly. Wonho sneakily reached into his own pocket and grabbed out two black boxes, he leaned back and opened them, holding them out so Taehyun could see. "I got us promise rings." He quickly said, "Promise rings?" Taehyun questioned, "Promise me that one day...You will agree in marrying me." Wonho grew serious, his eyes staring at Taehyun who stared at him in complete shock, the boys around him holding onto their hearts and some biting at their fists. 

Taehyun looked around at them and chuckled, quickly looking back at Wonho and nodding quickly. "Of course, my love!" He held his hand out and Wonho slipped the ring onto his left hands finger, Taehyun did the same for Wonho and they both hugged each other, not letting go of each other for a while. 

"I love you, Wonho." "I love you too, Taehyun." 

The End. 

A/n: Hope you guys liked it! 

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