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Oh. My. GOD!!!! Guys! We have officially reached 1K of views~! 🎉🎉😆

Thank you guys sooo much for supporting this fanfiction~

10 Chaps and 1K 👏🏻👏🏻 I really can't believe it... Hope you guys will continue to support this fanfic, it will mean a lot to me~ 😊

Anyway~ On with the story~ 🙇🏻‍♀️😆


Cursing herself for forgetting the snacks, she mumbled all her way back to the dorm empty handed. She really wanted to buy at least something for the boys, but if she do, it will be very late and they will probably be even more worried over her.

As she was just a few feet away from the dorm, rain drops started to fall. Kaho looked up at the sky and mentally sighed. She gripped the papers close to her, preventing them from getting wet. It was an important document after all. 

She had forgotten to bring her umbrella, because she thought that it won't rain but she was wrong. She then quickly fastened her walking pace and headed straight to the dorm.

Thank heavens I didn't went to buy the snacks...


"Hey... It's started to rain..." Natsuki mumbled but everyone still heard him, which earn a shocked look from Zack and Quartet Night.

"What?" The five of them said in unison which caused them to look at each other.

"Did she bring her umbrella?" Kurosaki asked the group, but they only shook their heads, saying that they don't know.

"I'm going to look for her..." Just as Zack turned around and was about to leave the group, he saw the petite girl soaking wet, both hands on her knees, panting hard, trying to catch her breath.

"S-sorry I'm late guys..." When she looked up, she was surprised to see who was in front of her. And the person too, was surprised.


Zack regained his posture and smiled at the girl, "Hey there. It's been a while?" He slightly chuckled at the end there. Then suddenly, he felt two pairs of arms around him.

"I missed you..." Kaho muttered between the clothing but Zack still heard her. Despite her being soaking wet, he doesn't mind at all. She is his girlfriend after all. He hugged back and patted the girl's head while trying to wipe away the water droplets.

"Missed you too, Kaho..."

After the short moment, Kaho let go and looked up at Zack with innocent eyes... But then soon turned into a frown.

"Are you sure you're supposed to be here? Aren't you still recovering? And won't your manager get mad or something? Don't you have any modeling to do?" Kaho started to bombard him with questions, especially when she emphasised on the word 'modeling'.

" *chuckles* Calm down, Kaho. I'll answer to all your questions, 'kay? First, of course I can be. About the recovery, I'm already healed completely, so don't worry about it. Luke won't be mad, he's here in Japan too anyway. As for mod--"

"Wait wait wait... Hold on. Luke is in Japan? Are you serious?" Kaho looked at him in disbelief only to earn a small nod and smile from the boy. She furrowed her eye brows and decide to put this aside first. "Continue..."

"As for modeling... That's what I'm here for." 

"What?" Everyone in the room said at the same time, which soon turned into an awkward silence.

"Yea. Didn't Shining told you?"

"He told me that there will be someone coming to the Master Course but I didn't know the person was someone I knew, and to think it's you. That's why Luke is here, right?" Kaho asked the tall blonde, as she was mentally cursing the President.

"Yep! So, let's both do our best, Kaho! As usual~!" Zack beamed at the girl, who only sighed, but then soon smiled.

"Of course, Zack. By the way, I didn't know you dyed your hair again. When I saw during the video call, your hair was black." Kaho was staring at the blonde with a slight jealous in her eyes.

"It's for the modeling. The same goes for you. I didn't say it, but I really like your black hair... It suits you," He pouts, while twirling the ends of the girl's hair.

"Hey, people are watching here..." Kaho 'shooed' off his hand and turned towards her friends, giving an apologetic smile.

"Sorry guys..." She bowed at them who was surprised when she did that.

"It's fin--


Everyone looked at the girl who was shivering from the coldness.

"Hehe... Sorry... Again." Kaho walked towards Quartet Night and gave them the stack of paper which she protected from the rain.

"Here, what you guys wanted."

Camus took the papers from her tiny cold hands. Without taking a look at them, he dragged the girl to who knows where, leaving the shocked group behind.

"Wha-- Myu! Where are we going?"

"Stop struggling and just follow me."

Kaho pouts but obliged anyway. She can't possibly deny the count.

The rest of the Quartet Night members looked at each other then thought the same thing...

Damn you, Camus...

So, they followed the two of them to wherever Camus is going.

"Uh... What just happen?" Zack asked Starish and Nanami who only shrugged their shoulders.

"We haven't really known Yoshiko-san long. Only Quartet Night knows her the most, since they've been working together since they debuted." Masato said out loud, earning nods from the rest of Starish, along with Nanami.

"Hmm... I see,"

Knows her the most... huh...

With Quartet Night

"Myuuuu, where are we going~~~" Kaho was already tired from walking. She knows that she's going back to her room since that is where Camus planned to go.

"Go take a shower and dry yourself up. Or do you want to catch a cold?" He said as they arrived in front of Kaho's room.

"Ceh... I know that. Seriously, stop acting like my dad," she furrowed her eye brows in a childish way which made Camus turned his head away with his ears slightly tinted with pink.

"Bwahahaha!!!" Kotobuki and Kurosaki laughed out loud while Ai just smiled at the scene.

"Stop laughing." Camus glared at the duo, which successfully shut them.

"Anyway, you should really go take a shower, Kaho. You've been exposed to the cold for quite some time due to being soaking wet." said Kotobuki with concern.

"I know~ Then I'll see you guys in a bit."

"We'll meet at dinner," Kurosaki said to girl as he took out his phone to check the time.

"Sure. See you later then," Kaho opened the door and went inside her room, leaving the four of them outside.

They stood there for awhile, until they decided to head to the kitchen, since it was their turn to prepare dinner for everyone.

"What should we make today?" Kotobuki asked the group who only shrugged.

"With the addition of this Zack person, I think we should make more. And since he's from London, maybe we could make some Western dishes," Kurosaki suggested. They turn to look at him like he spoke in an alien language.


"What do you guys think about this Zack?"

"Hmph, he is probably just another peasant to deal with,"

"I agee."

𝙤𝙪𝙧 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙤𝙨𝙚𝙧 - 𝙪𝙩𝙖𝙥𝙧𝙞 | 𝙘𝙤𝙢𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙩𝙚𝙙Where stories live. Discover now