Chapter 2

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"Anissa." Tate says. I get out of my stance jumping back on stage knowing that's where he wanted me. "Now remember these faces. These are the ones you go to if anything happens. Not me, not your alpha. Them. In return they will come to me or your alpha. Understood?" he ask them. There's a choir of agreements. "They will also be the ones that train you for however long were here. You will listen to them. They do not I repeat do not put up with any bullshit! Understood?" another round of agreements go around. "Good now first we have Anissa, Darren, Blake, Lee, Alisha, Cannon, Zander, Oscar, Matthew, and Zack." Tate says going down they line. "I have already spoken to your alpha and he agrees. We are usually up at five a.m to train but since we are here to train you as well we will be getting up at three." I groan inward. "That is our training time but if you wish to join you may do so. For those who don't you will still be expected to be here at five on the dot my men are not gentle. Fair warning. Training will be over at seven then they will dismiss you and you may return to bed or get ready for school. Once school is out at five p.m training will commence. Understood?" he ask them. Another round of agreements. He nods. "Good introduce yourselves if you like. Meeting dismissed." he says.

No one moves but Tate and some guy. Must be the alpha. They talk for a second then come to us bringing several people with them.

"Anissa this is alpha Mark Silverstone." he says.

"Alpha." I say with a nod. I don't look him in the eyes. We are taught not too. One we need to scan our surrounding and crowd. Two it gives us kind of a connection. We start to look at them as people and not a job. Make sense? Our job is our first priority not getting attached. Alpha smirks.

"Very impressive. I've never seen anyone take down Adam that quick and in that way before and by such a small person." he says holding out his hand for me to shake.

"Thank you sir." I say shaking it. "People underestimate my size." I say. He nods chuckling.

"I see that." he says. "This is my lovely wife Vanna." he says stepping back a little to show a beautiful woman. She sticks out her hand for me to shake.

"Nice to meet you." she says as we shake.

"You too." I say pulling away.

"My two of three children Emily and Tony." he introduces. I just nod my head to them. They nod back but the girl looks at me in disgust. "My other one is running around here somewhere." he tells me.

"The next alpha sir?" I ask.

"Yes him. He should be here." I just nod. "Anyway this is my beta his wife and child. Martin, Jessica and Zane Moore." he introduces. I nod in there direction.

"Sir may I?" I ask Tate. He nods knowing I have questions. "Why is your son being protected?" I ask the alpha. He sighs.

"For some unknown reason they are coming after him?" he tells me.

"You don't know the reason?" I ask.

"No I'm guessing he messed with the wrong girl." he says.

"Ah a player?" I comment bluntly.

"Yes." he answers. I just nod again then look back at Tate.

"So what's the plan boss?" I ask him.

"You, Darren, Blake, Lee, and Alisha will be going to school with him and Cannon, Zander, Oscar, Matthew, and Zack will stay behind and look after the territory."

"Yes sir." I say with a short nod. Before I can even ask my neck question he pulls out a credit card.

"You'll need school clothes. Remember you'll need to blend in." he tells me.

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