Chapter 3

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I groan and roll over turning off my alarm clock. Ugh this is going to suck. Three a.m really Tate? I get dressed in my workout clothes and go downstairs where I'm the only one so far. Seconds later they start coming out.

"Morning Nissa." Lee says.

"Morning guys." I say.

"Run." Tate orders coming out the door. We take off running. We run around the perimeter for an hour then go workout on the weights and punching bags in their gym. Which is nice but not as nice as ours. After we workout we head back outside to see the younger pack members already there. Half asleep I might add. We get in our stances.

"WAKE UP EVERY BODY!" I boom. Of course there's a bunch of grumbles. "Morning everyone." I say ignoring them. "First well start out by stretching then running, push ups, sit up, then weights my personal favorite. Let's get started." I say.

We go thru different stretches then we take of running around the perimeter. Once done there we do the sit up and push up. We have people lagging behind but we do keep in mind that they train different than us and we just push them. Do worry we didn't make them do it themselves we were right there with them. We gave them breaks. After that's done we take them to the gym where we all do all sorts of stuff on the equipment. I notice that Adam, Alex, Zane and a few others keep up with us. When that's all done we all go to eat, sleep or get ready.

Well my team gets ready for the day. I went to take a hot relaxing shower then got dressed. I went downstairs to eat as I sat down Cannon comes in.

"Wow." he says looking me over.

"What?" I ask confused.

"You look different in regular clothes." he tells me.

"Your not use to seeing me in anything but my gear." I say.

"True." he says with a nod. "Gun?" he ask looking me over trying to find it.

"Uh uh." I tsk shaking my head. It's in the small of my back. Yes in my pants.

"What gun?" Alex ask coming in the kitchen.

"The gun we carry." Cannon tells him.

"You guys carry guns?" he ask shocked. We both nod as the maid sets my plate down in front of me. She looks at me scared. Oh please.

"Anissa you ready for your first day of school?" Oz ask me coming in the kitchen with everyone following him. I nod again.

"I can't believe we're actually going to a school." Matt says.

"Your not." I scoff.

"That's no fair I'd like to go to a school." he says.

"You guys have never been to a school?" Alex ask. We all shake our heads no. "Never?" he ask surprised.

"Never sir." I confirm.

"Are all of you stupid?" he ask us.

"Hold on." Cannon says.

He finds some paper and starts writing something down. When he's done writing on several pieces of paper he hands them out.

"Answer that?" he says. I look down and see a math equation. So I answer it as does everyone else. We look up to see Alex dumbfounded.

"This is collage stuff. I can't answer this." he says. Then looks up at us.

"We did sir." I say.

"Just because we've never stepped foot in an actual school doesn't mean anything. We're not stupid. We've been taught all this. If we wanted to some of us can graduate collage right now sir." Darren says. Alex nods in understanding. I think.

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