Chapter 17

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It's been rough. Well for me anyway. I don't think I've slept since he's been taken. Alex will make me lay down but I still don't sleep. It doesn't bother me. They train us to where we can work on no sleep.

My day still starts at three I do my training but since I don't have Sammy I go to the school. Luckily I found a spot where I can see three areas. I spend all day there and when they get out I haul ass to bet them home and act like I was there the whole time training. Zack and I tail her after school. Usually shopping. The bitch hasn't made a move yet. Oz and Blake take nights. During our training we let them sleep until fifteen minutes before they have to leave then I'll get them up, they get dressed and I'm waiting on them by the door with some kinda of food. They go to school then come home and sleep for the rest of the day. Take over again at night. Everyone does their job.

We play Blake and Oz off as they found themselves a girl that's why they aren't at training so no one will ask questions. It's alright for me to ditch when Alex and I mess around why not them?

I stand on my branch ready to jump down when Lee calls me.

'Anissa school now' he says thru mind link. They don't know I sneak up here. Well Tate and Trenton do.

'what for' I ask jumping down.

'she's not coming straight home' he says. This is different. She always comes straight home.

'how do you know' I ask.

'I heard her talking to one of her friends. Saying something about she has something she needs to take care of' he answers. This could be it. I hope so I miss my little boy.

'here' I say running to the school.

'that was fast' he says.

'been here' I say as I reach them. I take the keys out of Alex's hand. "Thank you." I say pushing out of my way. "Zack move it." I say getting in Alex's car. I don't think he comprehends what's going on. "The rest get Alex home. I'll call if we need back up." I say starting the car.

"Well hello to you too." Alex huffs.

"Sorry babe no time." I rush out when I see Tiffany pulling out of her parking spot. He leans over giving me a kiss.

"Be careful." he tells me. I nod putting the car in reverse.

I back up, put the car in drive and follow her. We drive to a different town not far from where we already were. Fifteen minute drive. She stops pulling into a parking lot. I pull up to a curb far enough away so I can see her but not close enough to where she can see me. She gets out and walks into a coffee shop.

"Back door." I tell Zack.

"Yes ma'am." he says getting out of the car. I watch thru the coffee shop windows as she kisses some guy in greeting. Oh my god he isn't even hot.

'Blake.' I call.

'yes ma'am'

'I need you and the rest of the guys here now. A town called Huntington' I tell him.

'what's going on' he ask.

'nothing yet but I have a feeling about this' I tell him honestly. I do too. There's just something about this guy. 'Zack is there anyway you can get in without being seen' I ask him.

'no ma'am the door leads into a very busy kitchen' he answers. Shit. I nod knowing he can't see me.

I sit there for I don't know how long as they drink coffee talk and laugh as I do I give Blake directions to my location.

I hear a tap at my window and look over to see Trent there. I roll down my window.

"What are you doing here?" I ask him.

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