Chapter 6

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"I wasn't going to kill the bitch I was just going to make her sweat!" I yell at him.

"You need to calm down!" he yells at me.

"One says fight back one says calm down. Your all a bunch of idiots!" I yell walking off. As I walk past someone bumping into them. Sadly I know who it is. Alex.

"Move asshole!" I yell pushing him. I push him so hard he lands up flying against the wall in the kitchen. Oops. I hope it hurts him. I pick up someone's keys off the table by the door and stomp out the door with Tate yelling behind me. I go outside and start pushing the alarm button listen to an alarm go off.

When I do I cock an eyebrow. Who puts an alarm on a damn motorcycle? I just shrug and stomp to it jumping on. I start it and peel out. I didn't get to far before a car is beside me honking his horn and yelling at me. When I stop at a red light I turn my head to glare at him. Wow another hot guy. "What!" I snap at him.

"Pull over!" he demands. I cock an eyebrow.

"What the fuck for?!" I snap.

"One that's my motorcycle you stole, two Tate wants me to take you to the mall so you can go clothes shopping for school Monday." he says just as the light turns green. I peel out fuming again. I haul ass to a store quickly pulling in and slamming on he brakes. I jump off stomping to the guy as he gets out of the car.

"One I did not steal your motorcycle. I borrowed it!" I yell in his face. Then back away. "And where does Tate get off sending back to school?!" I keep yelling.

"Damn for someone so tiny you got one set of lungs on you."

"Shut it asshole!" I yell. He laughs a little.

"Sorry apparently your Alex's bodyguard." he says changing the subject.

"What the hell?!" I scream walking off to the car. I get in slamming the door shut.

"Easy man that's my baby!" I hear him yell.

"Glad you could squeeze it out of your small dick!" I yell back at him. I hear him laugh and the motorcycle engine start up. I turn around and see him moving it. I roll my eyes turning back around.

He gets in and starts the car pulls out on the road heading towards the mall.

"So your in the CG huh?" he ask.

"I swear to god if you say anything about my size I will rip out your throat!" I yell threatening him.

"Such temper." he says tsking at me. I sigh and groan.

"Take me home." I tell him.

"Can't Tate said to take you shopping." he tells me.

"Yeah well that's just stupid. He knows how pissed I am and me being around humans right now is not a good thing so take me back to that hellhole." I say. He nods and does what I say.

"Vance." he says as he turns the car around and heads home.

"Anissa." I grunt. When we get there we get out of the car and walk inside. I nod to Tate and Trenton as I pass by.

"You know I could help you release some of that anger." Vance says. I stopped in my tracks the lunge at him. I pin him to the ground and start nailing him over and over in the chest.

"Do I look like a whore to you?! Does it look like I'm the type of person to lay on my back for just anybody?! You'd have better luck squeezing another motorcycle out of your tiny dick!" I yell as I keep punching him. He somehow flips us over pinning my arms to the ground laughing. "You better let me go Vanny!" I yell.

"Vanny couldn't you come up with a better nickname than that? Pipsqueak." he chuckles.

"It's just came out!" I yell and flip us back over pinning his arms and legs to the ground. "Who the pipsqueak now?" I taunt. I laugh and move sitting on his chest.

Then I start bouncing up and down. I bounce a couple of times laughing while he grunts and laughs. Then he flips us over so I'm folded in half I grunt moving my legs around his neck.

"You." he laughs. I squeeze my legs around his neck.

"Who is?" I ask squeezing tighter. He lets go of my hands and tries to tickle me but nothing.

"I'm not ticklish." I snicker squeezing tighter. "Oh looky your a smurf." I say flicking his nose. He starts pinching my legs trying different ways to get me to let go but I don't I just squeeze harder messing with his face laughing. "Do ya give?" I ask snickering. He nods so I let go. I kick him away as he coughing and gasping for air.

"" he gasp out. I stand up.

"Steal baby." I snicker walking off.

"I love you!" he call after me. His voice so horse. I laugh shaking my head.

"Well that was entertaining." Tate says making me freeze in my track. Uh oh. I turn back around sighing.

"Sorry sir." I say immediately.

"Gym?" he ask me.

"Yes sir." I say. He nods taking my arm and pulling me to the gym.

We stay silent as we walk down. When we get there he releases me.

"What's gotten into you?" he ask me. I sigh.

"I don't know okay." I say truthfully.

"Is it Alex?" he ask me.

"I don't know Tate. I don't know if it's him or her or both. I just don't know." I say walking off and putting in some gloves.

"How do you feel about him?" he ask me standing behind the punching bag. I finish putting on my gloves and walking over to the bag.

"I don't know Tate. I don't know what you want me to say. All of this is new to me okay. I don't know how I should feel." I say truthfully in between punches.

"I knew it was a bad idea to make her work so much and not make face this." he mutter but I ignored it punching away.


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