Chapter 8

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The next day I get out of bed a three go workout. After I'm done working out I run into Alex as he's heading outside.

"You really feel it?" he ask me. I just nod a yes not really wanting to talk to him. "I'm sorry Anissa." he whispers to me. I just shrug. "I'm sorry." he repeats.

"You think your so called apologies mean something to me? Well they don't. If you were really sorry for fucking her you wouldn't have kept screwing her even when I came back. So save it. I don't care about any of this. I'm here for a job not you." I say then start to walk away but he grabs my arm pulling me back.

"Show some kind of god damn emotion besides anger or nothing!" he growls at me.

"Like what? Hurt? Well I'm not hurt. Like I care? I don't care. Like I should crawl up in a ball and die crying? Well guess what I'm not going too. And besides that's not why you rejected me is it?" I ask him. Silence. "Right you rejected me because I'm your eyes I'm not pretty, I'm a murder." I say.

"I never said that." he tells me.

"And you call me stupid?" I scoff. "Yes you did think back to the day you rejected me. You know what don't because I don't care. Goodbye Alex." I say pulling my arm away from him.

"Anissa." he call after me. "Anissa I'm sorry." he says but I keep walking.

I walk out the back door only to be slammed up against the wall.

"Stay the fuck away from him you stupid bitch he's mine. Always has been always will be. I'll fucking kill you if I have too!" the bitch snarls at me. I don't think she knew Trent just watched the whole thing. He nods to me so I grab her by the throat tossing her like a rag doll. She hit the ground with a loud thud. She just fucked up. You don't threaten to kill a CG. Not over something so petty. Maybe if I killed a family member or someone in the pack then yeah. We only die in battle. I stalk towards her grabbing her by her hair making her stand up.

"You want to die slow or fast?" I growl menacingly.

"You can't kill me!" she screams.

"But she can she has every right too. You just threatened to kill a member of the Council Guard over something as simple as a man. Her own mate. She has every right to him before you do. She can come in and claim him but she didn't and your still throwing your hissy fit over it." Trent says. I didn't know I could claim him but who would want someone against there will?

"I didn't threaten to kill her!" she screams.

"Are you calling me a liar?!" he snarls at her.

"What's going on here?!" Alex before she can answer.

"Alex baby their trying to kill me." she starts sobbing.

"Let her go!" Alex orders me. I didn't.

"We are not trying to kill her. She threatened Anissa because of you." Trenton tell him.

"Is that true Tiffany?" he asked her.

"No baby I swear." she sobs.

"Let her go Anissa! Before I kill you!" he snarls at me. I froze and released her.

Now that actually did something to me. I didn't know what but something. I slowly turned to face him and just stared. I knew there was actually tears there. I felt them rolling down my cheek. I don't know what I was crying for but something.

"What's going on?!" Tate yells. I couldn't move I just stood there staring at Alex. "Anissa baby girl what's wrong?" Tate ask running to me.

"Alex just made the biggest mistake of his life." Trent says shaking his head.

"What happen?" Tate ask him.

"Well miss thang here threatened to kill her over Alex and Alex comes out and she lies to him and says that we tried to kill her but I told him the truth and he asked her and of course the bitch lied and he believed her and threaten to kill Anissa." Trent says.

"Shit." Tate mutters. "Anissa look at me." he says. But I couldn't. I don't know what was wrong with me but I couldn't move. I couldn't stop looking at Alex. I couldn't talk. Nothing. I heard everything but that's it.

"Anissa never lies!" Blake growls at Alex knocking him out of the way.

"How am I suppose to know? She never shows anything!" he says defending himself.

"She's your mate you should have trusted her and not some whore everybody has slept with!" Matt yells.

"She's not a whore!" Alex defends her.

"Yeah then why have I slept with her?" someone says.

"Or me." Someone else says.

"Or me." and it kept going. I think I completely shut down. I stopped hearing things after that.

I felt myself being lifted up being carried but to where? I don't know. I felt myself being laid down. Someone taking off my boots my clothes. I felt when someone put my other clothes on. I felt everything. But I couldn't tell you who did it. I don't know what this was and once again I didn't like it. I also felt when someone poked me in the arm with a needle. I felt when my eyes slowly started to droop. I closed them but I really couldn't sleep even with the drug. I don't know how long I laid there. I just couldn't get that out of my mind.

He threatened to kill his own mate. To protect her. My own mate threatened to kill me.

A scream suddenly ripped thru my mouth. My body arched as I griped the sheets on the bed and I just screamed and screamed. Someone rushed in picked me a cradled me as I screamed. I heard talking but I didn't understand it over my screaming. When my screaming stopped I cried and cried. Whoever it was laid down with me on top of them while I cried into their chest. I felt another prick. Slowly my crying stopped my eyes closed and I was out.


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