Chapter 15

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I get more and more attached to Alex and Sammy each passing day and I'm not sure what I'm going to do when I have to leave. Alex and I haven't talked about it yet and I'm dreading it. I know what I'm feeling now. Tate, Trent and I have had long conversations about my feelings. I know what jealously is. I know what I feel in the pit of my stomach when Alex kisses me. Butterflies. I know what it feels like to be turned on now. I feel it every time he touches me. I know what anger is every time Tiffany mouths off. I either mouth right back at her or punch her. My fist is more fun though. I know what hurt is now. When Alex threaten to kill me that hurt me that's why I screamed and cried. Alex has apologized over and over for that and I forgave him for it. I've talked a lot with him about my feelings.

"Hey Nissa." Vanna says coming into the living room where I playing with Sammy at.

"Yes ma'am." I say lifting my head up.

"You mind if I take Sammy to the park?" she ask me.

"No not at all. I'm sure he'd like that." I tell her standing up. I pick Sammy up putting him on my hip. "You want to go to the park?" I ask him. He claps knowing what park is. I laugh as I hand him to Vanna. I get his bag ready and put it on her shoulder. "Oz go with them." I say to Oscar.

"Yes ma'am." he says getting up.

They leave so I sit on the couch not know what to do with myself. I always have him or Alex around me. Right now Alex is in school, Sammy is with Vanna, everyone else is at school work or walking the perimeter. In other words the house is empty. I huff and decide to go workout. Nothing else to do. So I go upstairs change and head to the gym. I beat the punching bags, run on the tread mill, do the stair climber, lift weights. I do it for hours until I hear a scream.

"ANISSA!" sounds like Vanna. I throw the weights down and run up the gym stairs. I run until I find her in the living room crying.

"Ma'am what is it?" I say kinda panicked. She sobs harder and I begin to really panic when I don't see Sammy. "Vanna where's Sammy?" I ask. She sobs harder. "Vanna damn it where's Sammy? Tell me where he is right now!" I demand shaking her.

"They took him." she cries putting her hands on her hands crying.

"Who?!" I demand.

"Rouges." she cries. I freeze.

Rouges took my little boy. No. Not Sammy. Oh god. I just stood there. I didn't know what to do. For the first time in my life I didn't know what to do. I don't know how long I stood there and she cried but the next thing I know I smelt Alex and flipped.

"WHAT DID YOU DO?!" I bellow.

"What are you talking about?" he ask me confused.

"Oh don't play stupid with me. Who did you screw to get Sammy kidnapped? What did you do Alex?" I yell at him.

"What?" he asked shocked. "Who kidnapped him?!" he demands.

"Your lasted fuck buddy is my guess?!" I yell. I know he hasn't been but I don't know what to do. So I'm taking it out on him.

"Anissa!" Oz yells running in the door.

"What?!" I snap.

"It has nothing to do with Alex well it does but not in that way." he says quickly handing me a note. I look at it and read it out loud.

"If you want your son back Alex I want your territory. You have until Friday." it reads. I toss the paper aside and grab Oz by the throat slamming him against the wall. "Why wasn't you protecting them?!" I snarl.

"I...I." he chokes out.

"Anissa stand down!" Tate orders. I growl loudly letting Oz go. He drops to the floor gasp for air.

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