Chapter 14

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I catch hell about it now. I just shrug and tease back. I really tease alpha about it now. I get a kick out of watching him blush. He just doesn't understand why I don't get embarrassed or blush and I'll tell him he does enough of it for the both of us. He'll grumble and walk away.

Alex and I messed around several times since then but we are not allowed in the alphas office alone. Someone has to be there. It's not like we do anyway. Yeah so much for a one night stand. We usually land up in his room because it's sound proof. So no one can hear us. Not like it would bother me anyway. Oz teases me and says I put in a whole new chapter to the body guard hand book because I guard Alex's body real good. I just agree and say I love guarding his body. I do too. I know I have nothing to compare it to but I honestly don't think having sex with anyone else would be as good as it is with Alex.

You know I honestly don't think I work anymore because if I'm not watching Sammy during the day I'm with Sammy and Alex and if I'm not with both of them I'm alone with Alex. Yeah I'm alone with Alex mostly at night where we sit and talk, have sex or laying in bed just talking or in silence. In all honesty I'm starting to feel something for him and I'm not sure what it is.

I'm getting a life lesson from him right now. He wanted a kiss and I said damn Alex it's just a kiss and his reaction was to teach me the difference between kisses.

"This." he says giving me a peck. "Is just a kiss. This." he says giving me a quick kiss with tongue. "Is just a kiss. This." he says and gives me a long something kiss leaving me breathless. "Is a hot and heavy kiss." he pants. "This." he leans back over giving me a slow and something kiss leaving me breathless again. "Is a passionate kiss." he pants. "And this." he says kissing me hard and fast. "Is a hungry kiss." he pants. "And this." he says kidding me oh I can't explain this one my lungs are about to explode. "Is an intense kiss." he pants.

"Got it." I pant.

"That's sad when you have to teach someone the difference between kisses." the bitch huffs. Yeah we are sitting on the couch watching a movie with a few people around. The bitch included.

I usually ignore her when she makes her rude comments to me. Alex gets upset with me when I don't fight back. I've explained to him that nothing she says effects me and I'm not here to take up for myself.

"Shut it Tiffany!" Alex growls.

"Come on Alex baby." she says. "Dump that whore and let's go have some fun." she purrs. That pisses me off.

"Bitch he isn't going anywhere with you!" I growl at her.

"Oh he will when he gets tired of a quick fuck and wants a real women like me he'll be back." she says. I scoff at that.

"I'll leave the door open next time so you can hear how quick our fucks really are. Yours might have been but ours last all night long. Why do you think I'm late for training in the mornings?" I ask cocking an eyebrow. It's true too.

Every time Alex and I have sex we go all night. I might get an hour or two of sleep and I'm always late for training. I either have to wait to run or run while they start training Alex's pack. She didn't like that.

"Bitch you stole my man! I'll have him in my bed tonight!" she yells standing up. That pissed me off. I didn't like that she called Alex her man or the fact that she had him in her bed. He's not. He's fucking mine and he won't ever get into her bed again. Woah where did that come from? Who cares. I jump up stalk towards her and punch her right in the nose. She falls back down in the chair she was sitting in and I lean over her chair as she holds her nose with blood spewing out of it.

"Bitch he isn't yours. Never was, never will be. Do you know you have your own mate out there somewhere and guess what?! I'm going to laugh my ass off when you meet him because he's going to reject your nasty ass. You want to know why? Because who wants a washed up whore that claims another women's mate as her own. If he still wanted you by all means I'm not stopping him. I've said it once and I'll say it again. He has my fucking blessing. Your pathetic Tiffany. Why are you putting me down and trying to make him stay with you? You that lonely and miserable? Lonely and miserable enough to make everyone else around your miserable? Grow the fuck up and get over it. Your almost nineteen. Put your god damn big girl panties on and fucking deal with it." I say and punch her one more time on the jaw and sit back down. Alex puts his arm around my shoulder.

"That was hot." Alex whispers in my ear.

"Shut up alpha." I say elbowing him the stomach. He chuckles.

"Jealous?" he ask me. I just shrug because I don't know.

I hear Sammy start crying thru the monitor so I get up and go upstairs and pick him.

"Hey little man." I coo. "Hungry?" I ask knowing he is. He just woke up from his nap. He's always hungry when he first wakes up. I take him downstairs and give him to Alex while I go in and make him a bottle and some baby cereal. I take it in the living room so I can feed him. Alex hold him while I do. He isn't a messy eater that's why it's no big deal to feed him in here. The only time we feed him at the table is when we breakfast or dinner.


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