Chapter 5

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Two years later.

"Here's your assignments." our boss Dan says handing us a folder. We take a look at it and I freeze. I look up at him.

"No." I immediately say.

"You have no choice in the matter!" he growls at me. I nod an okay then turn on my heels to leave with my boys following me. We go our separate ways to our rooms. I look over the folder.

The Ice pack.

Alpha Mark Silverstone

Alpha female Vanna Silverstone

Soon to be alpha Alexander Silverstone

Other children. Emily Silverstone and Tony Silverstone.

Beta Martin Moore

Beta female Jessica Moore

Soon to be beta Zane Moore only child.

Member as of today 62.

Main objective kill rouges, protect Alexander Silverstone.

Objective protect pack, teach pack to fight.

Leave 8 a.m in the morning.

Assignment leader Tate Mills and Trenton Moore.

Assign to assignment. Anissa Morgan, Darren Mills, Blake Mills, Lee Mills, Simon Camp, Cannon Huckabee, Zander Mills, Oscar Blue, Matthew Holt and Zack Davis. It reads. Same as before just a few different things.

Not much has changed. I still do my job just more of it now. I think they like to keep me busy. You know to keep my mind of of him. They all know and all pitied me at first until I blew up. I went off on them like a crazed women. I probably would have been fine if at the same time he wasn't fucking someone else. I imagine it was her. I called Alisha soon after and begged her to beg her new alpha to mate someone else but he never did.

Now I just deal with it and do my job twice as hard. When he does it I just go for a run and pretend its me running myself onto the ground that's why my stomach burns. I'm mostly happy really I am. I saved countless lives, I've freed people. I've stopped rapes, kidnappings so I'm good. Okay my temper has gotten worse but that's it. I don't smile or laugh much anymore.

I groan and start packing again. Yes again I just got back off an assignment. Now I'm out again. See what I mean about keeping me busy? As soon as we get back we are out again. I take my shower when I'm done then go to bed. I set my alarm for thankfully seven knowing since we have to leave at eight there isn't any training.

Seven still came to early. I know I should be use to early morning and I am it's just I guess seven a.m is late to me that's why I feel off. I get out of bed and take another shower then get dressed in my gear. I strap on my four guns. Yes four. One on my left leg, one on my right, one on my right hip and one behind my back. Yeah I'm armed and dangerous baby. I get my gear head downstairs and load up.

"Morning Anissa." Simon greets. He is new. Well not knew anymore. He replaced Alisha after his training was done at fifteen. So he is now the baby of our group.

"Morning Simon." I say as I get on the bus.

"So uh I hear we are going to a pack where the son to be alpha rejected you." he says. I nod a yes. "Sorry to hear that Anissa." he says with sympathy dripping from every god damn word.

"No biggie." I say shrugging. He nods sitting down with me.

The rest of the guys pile in as does Tate, Trenton and thier mates. Yes their mates travel with us most of the time. They can't always. Sometimes it's to dangerous to let them go on missions with us. Even if we do stay at a pack house. We take off playing on our hand help games, movies, joking, laughing our usual. Another long journey I think to myself.

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