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Alex's POV.

A lot has changed in the last five years. We finally got married six months later. It would have been sooner but Nissa gave Alisha full reigns of the wedding and she was going nuts until Nissa pout her foot down and said enough. Either she do a small quick wedding or she was going to rip her head off. One month later we were married. I took over alpha at twenty. Much to my distaste. I wanted sooner but dad thought it would be better if we waited. One because of Sammy. Sammy needed us and he was is more important than any title. With his reoccurring nightmares and attachment to Nissa and I it was difficult. Especially when Nissa went on short assignments. I didn't like it though because well she was in danger. But I couldn't take that away from her. She was proud of what she does and to be honest I was proud of her. So she only did short assignments and sometimes took Sammy. He didn't like her being gone and sometimes I went along. If I wasn't to busy. But eventually things changed know she's I guess you can say a consultant. And she still loves it. As long as she's helping save someone in someway she's fine. She's happy and that's all that matters to me.

Since she didn't work much and got bored easily I suggest she train our pack and she did still does with Blake's help. He gets bored too. Blake is here with us because he found his mate in a rouge and Nissa almost killed her but Blake had to stop her. Not very many packs wouldn't take her in knowing she's a rouge but we did. He quit for his mate but helps Nissa train our pack. The rest of her friends are either with the pack or with their mates pack with kids of their own but they all still keep in touch.

"Do you have to take him running?" I ask her.

"Sammy knows he doesn't have to run if he doesn't want to right Sammy?" she ask Sammy. His arm healed nicely just a small problem with his pinky but other than than he has full use of it.

"I like running with mommy." Sammy answers.

"See." she says sticking out her tongue out at me. Sammy has been running with her since he was a baby. She use to carry him on her back in one of those carrier things then he asked one day if he could run with her. So she took him out and they started jogging at his pace though.

"Nissa baby I just don't you running anymore." I tell her.

"I know but the doctor says I'll be fine as long as I jog and keep it under half a mile." she tell me. I sighs leaning down and kissing her bulging belly.

"I love you and I just worry." I tell her coming up. I worry a lot now days.

"I know but we'll be fine." she tell me.

It took her forever to get pregnant. We didn't think she could with all my scarring from being stabbed and shot and whatever else. We thought one of those times damaged something and we didn't know it but she finally did and now I'm ten times worried about her. I'm scared I'll lose her, the baby or both.

"I love you too daddy." she say kissing my lips. I sighs heavily.

"Your going to be the death of me heartless bitch." I say jokingly. She laugh nodding.

"Yep I already see a grey hair." she tell me pulling at a fake grey hair.

"Funny Anissa." I says wrapping his arms around my waist. "You know I think this kid is going to come out bigger than you." I tell her looking down at her.

"Watch it Mr. Alpha or you'll be sleeping on the couch." she threaten.

"Yeah right." I scoffs. "Then you wouldn't have your personal body pillow." I snickers. So true she basically sleep on top of me now and if she doesn't she can't sleep.

Suddenly her water breaks right there. On my shooooes. Ewww.

"Looks like you won't be going anywhere." I snicker. She glares at me as I scoop her up. "Jake!" I holler at my beta. He comes walking in slipping in the puddle falling on his ass. I look down at Nissa holding in my laugh. Only to see her doing the same thing and we both lose it. We laughed hard.

"Uh yeah clean up on isle four." she giggles.

"Gross." he groans. "Couldn't you do this outside like normal people?" he huffs standing up. She looks at him amused.

"What normal pregnant women knows her water is going to break and goes out side so it can?" she ask him. Silence. She giggles again shaking her head.

"Jake grab Sammy." I tell him trying not to laugh at his stupidity.

"I'm changing." he huffs.

"Later." I tell him. He looks at me like I've lost my mind. I just smile brightly. "We got a pregnant women to get downstairs." I tell him. "And I can't leave Sammy alone up here." I finish. He groans making a disgusted face. Sammy could stay up here with him but we promised he could stay with her until the baby actually came.

I take her downstairs with Sammy and Jake behind us. I get her settled in. Then the doctor comes in checks her then leaves.

Several hours and a lot of pain later she delivers Alexander Mason Silverstone Jr. She wanted to name him after me.

"Hey Nissa how do you tame a badass?" I ask out of the blue while she's laying there holding Zander.

"Make her fall in love with an asshole." she answers looking up at me smiling. I couldn't help but laugh.

I can't believe I almost missed my chance at being with her. All because of my own stupidity and I listened to stories. Sure I had to teach Anissa a lot of things about the way she feels but she's not the cold calculating heartless bitch I was always told the CGs were. I assumed she was. Yeah it irritated the shit out of me when she never showed any kind of emotion but I finally got her to do it and understand them. Now she's not afraid to show them either. And I can handle it.

I love this women and I'm damn glad she gave me a second chance. I couldn't ask for a better mate, Luna, wife and mother than her. She's perfect.


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