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A/N: so there won't be any confusion.. I meant a cup for blood like a goblet or more fancy wine glass... they will refer to it as a blood cup tho. And 🔝 is what I imagined it to look like.

 And 🔝 is what I imagined it to look like

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"Treasure. Treasure." Someone shake my shoulders. I feel pleasurable shocks going up and down my arms.

I slowly open my eyes and come stare directly to my mate's blue ones. I straighten up and notice I am no longer in a plane.

Instead I am laid on a bed with dark sheets. I look around the room. The walls are dark blue colour. Curtains are black, just as doors. This room is huge and has three doors. One is obviously the way out, second one I assume is for bathroom and last one can be for a closet? I guess so. I don't see any closet in here.

Room is beautiful and mysterious, but dark. I would come here when I would need a quiet dark place, but I wouldn't want it to be my room. "Is this your room?" I ask Gregori -breaking the silence.

"Yes. Did you sleep well?" I blush at his question, embarrassed that I fall asleep and didn't even feel him carrying me out of plane, yet alone in his room.

"I am sorry. I come to your home and I can't even stay awake the first time." I say apologetically. I do feel ashamed of myself, yes I was tired but still. I should have been awake and greet everyone.

"Don't be sorry treasure. I sneaked us in so we can both have a nap and then greet my father and my sister." I stand up. "Can you show me where the bathroom is? I would just like to see I look presentable." He nods and takes my hand in his -a gesture I acknowledged he is really fond off.

He leads me to bathroom and I see it's a complete opposite of his room. It's white and beige. It's big and spacious, with a bathtub and shower. And two sinks. Gregori's hand left mine and I look at myself in the mirror - combing my hair with my hand. Everything else looks fine. No droll and no smudged mascara. We walk into his room and I see a cupboard with a fancy glass cup filled with some liquid. I take a step closer and I feel him follow me. As I step closer I see the unknown liquid is blood. It must be.

"They were expecting me and prepared this for my meal." Gregori explains, somehow uneasy. I place my hand on his bicep, which is nicely shapen by the way and offer him a soft smile.

"It's okay. I understand. This is for your health and if you need to take it, take it. I don't want you to change because of me. I know you can't change the fact you need blood and I am fine with it." I reason with him. He smiles a bright smile, the one that make his otherwise cold eyes -bright and warm.

"I don't think I could ever get a better mate than you. And I don't want for you to change for me too. But I don't need this blood or the blood cup anymore." He answers with his russian accent. Honestly his accent is hot.

"I have one question. Why don't you speak russian? You even talk with your guards in english."

He chuckles: "I speak russian when I am angry, otherwise I speak english so everyone can understand me. There are a lot of vampires here from all over the world and they wouldn't understand me." I nod at him and think over his words of what he said.

"So do we met your family today?"

"No probably not. Father just told me he has an emergency meeting. And besides it's almost time to go to sleep."

"And yet I still need to unpack." I sigh. It's best if I start right away.

"I will help you. One half is already emptied for your stuff." And then is what we do for the next hour or so. Gregori was being a gentleman and stepped out of closet room so I folded and out away my undergarments and then he came back in and put away my dresses and some little of a simple wear I have.

"And done." He closes closet doors and walks over to the small black leather couch I am currently sitting on. He takes a sit beside me. I look at him and see his eyes flickering to red, then back to blue.

"Gregori Lev?" I ask, using both of his names for I don't know what reason. He clenches and unclenches his fists. "Is something wrong?" I ask him softly.

"You smell so nice." He says and moves closer - near my neck. At his gesture, something clicks inside me and I finally connect things. He craves blood.

My blood.

When I agreed to be the one he feeds off it never crossed my mind it will be only hours till he feeds. But I couldn't stand by and watch him drink from that cup. I think our bond forbids me.

So I do the only normal thing.

I tilt my head a bit and give him more access to my neck. He moves even closer.

I now feel his hot breath on my neck.

Almost feel his canines on my skin.

And I feel my heart beating so fast, pounding in my chest I am afraid it will burst out any second.

"Do you really want this?" He whispers against my skin and his lips brushes against my bare neck. I nod. And that was all it took for him to place his lips on a spot where my neck and shoulder meet.

He gives me a soft kiss and I blush. Yes I blushed this was my first kiss ever. "No going back now." He murmurs and I feel his canines puncture my soft skin.

I can almost feel my blood rushing out of my vein but I also feel something I cannot describe.

It's like the first bite of the best chocolate cake.

Like a kiss you have been longing for a lifetime.

The indescribable satisfaction and pure pleasure. Yes that is the way to describe it.

Gregori continues for some time, before his lips and canines leaves my neck and he carries me to bed, where I immediately drift to sleep.

Gregori continues for some time, before his lips and canines leaves my neck and he carries me to bed, where I immediately drift to sleep

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