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Evelyn please, if you hear me darling, please wake up

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Evelyn please, if you hear me darling, please wake up.

My mind drifts away again and I am left wondering in darkness. All of a sudden a beautiful glowing figure appears.

I recognize her as Goddess Dali and bow immediately.

"No need for that my child. I just came to give you two blessings and to warn you."

"Warn me?" I ask hesitant.

"Yes dear. Unfortunately I can only tell or give you two of these things. So which two do you choose?" She asks me, her voice soft like mothers when talking to little child.

"A warning and one blessing." Is my answer.

"Okay. I have chosen wisely. I must warn you Evelyn hard times are ahead of you and your beloved, but remember I am always here for you. Now as for my blessing. Nobody knows but you are infertile, so I will grant you one child as a blessing to your great devotion. This child is destined to do great things."

It dawned on me that I would never have a child without this blessing and a small tear escaped my eyes.

"Don't cry Evelyn, this is a moment for joy." With that she disappeared.

All of a sudden I opened my eyes and look around.

I am in a castle hospital. Gregori being next to me and doctor just entering the room.

"Gregori? What happened?" I say or more barely choke out. My throat is very dry. My beloved notices this immediately and gives me a glass of water. He helps me get up and drink a bit.

I take a few sips carefully and wait for doctors answer.

"My queen we don't know exactly what happened. It's not usual for this to happen. We thought you might be with child, but we did all tests and nothing was visible. It's unnatural condition for this to happen between two mates. For now I would suggest you rest a lot and that Gregori doesn't feed off you for at least two weeks."

(A/N: not pregnant u guys 😋)

"Thank you doctor." I say and wait for him to exit room.

Just as he is about to go he turns around and says I should stay in hospital over night. When he is gone I am the first to break the silence. "No way I am letting you feed off other girls."

Just the tought breaks my heart, for me feeding requires same level of intimacy as sex. So I would feel cheated on. I was a bit sad that he said I am not pregnant. Not because I expected to be, but when he mentioned it I just thought about it and I would be happy if I would be, especially because of Dali's words.

Gregori lets out a sigh. "Treasure I understand , but I don't want you to be in pain every time I feed. I don't want you too faint every two days and scream in agony. Don't you remember how much it hurted yesterday? And you heard what doctor said Evelyn." His voice became more stern a the end of the sentence.

I got annoyed now a bit. How can he not understand me? Yes it hurted like hell but surely there's gotta be a way.

"Look Gregori. I didn't say I want to scream in agony every two days, but I sure as hell won't stand by and watch you feed off some other girl. Besides why can't they just pump by blood and put it in your cup? Like you had before, just now it would be my blood?" I tried so hard to remain my calmness.

I understand he is worried but let's look for a solution not create more problems.

"I will talk to doctor about it." He says and exits the room. Okay? What was all this about.

My mind wanders off to pregnancy and child. I still can't believe my visions. I mean I can but you know, can't. And it was great honor that Goddess Dali spoke with me. Not many nymphs get it.

It has been hours since my mate left and I am bored out of my mind. I can't walk around, I must not stand for too much, no television, they don't have any books here. And my mindlink is also not working at the moment.

After some time I decided I can make improvements plan in my head, so when I will be allowed to go home, I will already have everything done. Just to put it on paper. And that is what I did for next two hours.

I did get checked in between and ate dinner, it was getting late now.

I guess Gregori won't come back to my hospital room today so I just let my mind wonder to sleep.

I guess Gregori won't come back to my hospital room today so I just let my mind wonder to sleep

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Sorry lovelies,

u will have to wait a bit longer to see what is going on 😋

Any new guesses?

Jenna Rose

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