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Little chapter so you see how he is holding 😋

It's been a few days since Evelyn left, a few days since our talk

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It's been a few days since Evelyn left, a few days since our talk. Talk that I truly regret. I have been pacing up and down my office, eating, sleeping and drinking  just when Byron made me. I admit after two days I was weak and was trying to get both back. But Byron helped me remain strong, after we sort this out I am sending him on vacation.

I miss her and Serafina. I crave her smile, her touch, her blood, her everything. I remember how hard it was for me when she was kidnapped. But this? This is so much harder. Harder because the last thing we said to each other was us fighting.

But I did what I had to. I needed her to get away. And on her own, so I can finally make this kingdom safe for her. And for our children, well child. I admit that caught me by surprise. And I was angry at her for keeping it away from me, but I would never see her as any less of a woman or worthless - on the contrary, I would pull her in my embrace and tell her that Serafina and her are more than enough for me. They are my everything.

But I couldn't.

Byron and I came up with a plan right after Evelyn's first kidnapping. Tyranny and control of my father needs to end. But not with the two of them being here and in danger.

I wish I could hide all children and women, and I hope our problem will be solved fast. No women or children should ever suffer and our plan is trying to provide that too. We want to sort things out without casualties. Because human life is not a casualty. It's important and has a meaning, just as any other life.

I sent my sister to some distant aunt where she will also be safe. I saw that my dad knows no relations so even she isn't safe from him.

Being a king, a husband and a father has responsibilities, which I all plan to fulfill. King's duty it's for its people and I need to make sure they are safe and their living conditions are good enough. I plan to do this first. End the rebellions, end my dad and uncle.

With this sorted my wife, my daughter and my sister can come back and I can fulfill my duties to them. All three of them deserve so much more, just as this kingdom.

I hear a knock on my door and in steps Byron. He takes a step closer to me and tells me in a hushed voice: "Gregori Brianna sent me this but it's for you from your wife." He hands me the letter and takes a seat on the couch in my office.

My shaking hands try hard to open it. Not knowing what to expect is making me nervous. I finally manage to get to it and out of the envelope I pull few pages

'Dear Gregori.

We miss you here - both Serafina and I. One would think we are here longer than a week - she seems to be growing so fast. I know she misses you dearly, and it shows in the evening when she wants her daddy to lull her to sleep. Thankfully Brianna has been a great friend with lots of patience for babies. We have to set her and Byron up - this is besides the point, I just don't want to forget it later.

I miss you too. I understand now, Kai helped me. And I will be away as long as you need me to be. I don't expect you to write me back, especially if it will endanger whatever you are planning. I will wait, I will wait for the day when I will be back in your arms and when that day will come I am never letting you go again.

Maybe this time apart will help us, maybe it's good for us. Or maybe not because it's so incredibly hard. It's funny how fast I became dependent on you.  But I am and I love you with all my heart.

Please don't let too much time pass. I don't want you to miss Serafina's first things. I attached a photo of us, so you know we are always with you, even if we are not there.

Something wonderful also happened, but I want to share this in person. I can tell you it will make both of us happy though. All of us.

I am sorry for the last words I said to you. I wish I could take them back. Brianna and I made a small supply of my blood, after kidnapping, for you to use when needed and it's hidden - Byron knows where. Use it so you are at your full strength, I know you will need that.

Gregori please stay safe, we love you.

Serafina and Evelyn'

After the first sentence I started crying with how much love I have for this woman. She is amazing and so strong. I wipe then, not even the slightest embarrassed I cried before Byron - he is my good friend. Once I take a few moments to recollect myself I stand up, put my crown on my blonde locks Evelyn loves so much, stand in front of Byron and say:

"It's time to start our plan."

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