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Warning: sensitive subject implied but no description of the act!!

I grab Serafina and Brianna and we run to our bedroom. As I rush them in I hear yelling and swords clashing against each other. After everything that happened we really didn't need this. Brianna and Serafina are now safely hidden - I locked them in. Of course I heard Bri protests and yelling at me to let them out, but I need them safe.

I also need to help other women and children to get to safety. Nobody else will. All men are fighting so it's my duty do secure them. I am checking all the rooms, sneaking by soldiers and directing all hopeless pupils to the kitchen, where we have our secret bunker. That should keep everyone safe enough till Gregory and guards take the castle back.

In a way this rebellion helps, since we will finally be able to eliminate all barbaric vampires. We just need to win first.

Most of our people are trained to go directly to kitchen bunker but in panic and when you are trying to survive a lot of times our brain stops working. The castle is humongous as well so it's gonna take some time to check every single room. Luckily not many men are paying attention to me and those who try get slashed by our guards.

As I step into the library I hear a little whimper. I walk around the desk and find one of the maids 4 year old daughter in hiding.

"Hey sweetie." I know she recognizes me as she looks at with her bambi eyes. She doesn't reply but I know she is just scared.

"Come here honey, I will bring you to your mama." Me mentioning her mom encouraged her to grab my hand. I need to be even more careful now, she is an easy target and I am sure Margaret - her mom, is worried sick.

We flee down the hallway together and I decide to bring her to safety before I continue with my search. I spot Byron out of corner of my eyes, he sees me as well.

"Your majesty!" He yells after us. Not long after that he catches up. "What are you doing out of safety, you should be hiding!"

"No, I should be helping everyone that needs help. And this little munchkin definitely needs it."

"Fine I will escort you to the chambers and you stay there. I will search the rest of the castle." Knowing Byron wont budge I reluctantly agreed.

As we are turning down different halls and walking down the stairs Byron has to fight a lot and it makes me realize we wouldn't make it without him.

Just as we were about to enter the kitchen two rebels attack us. "Go Evelyn, just go!" He yells as he starts to fight them. I do as I was told - for once. And me and little girl safely enter the bunker, which yet again wouldn't happen if Byron wouldn't be there.

"Elise!" We hear a woman yell and soon enough I see Margaret run towards her daughter. Her face full of relief and joy. With her come rushing some more women asking me if I saw their children or husbands or sisters. It's all I need to hear to break my word I gave to Byron. I use other exit so I wouldn't run into him.

Checking the halls, rooms and turning every piece of furniture around I slowly gather most of the people. They are all safe in the bunker and I decide to go out for the last time.

I hear some soldiers running down the hall but so far I have been lucky and avoided most of them. This time luck wasn't on my side.

"Someone is in here!" I hear as they open the door and I come eye to eye with three rebels.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here." One of them smirks and I realize I am in trouble. He seems to be the leader of this small group and is as well the tallest.

"The little queen." Second one says, he is a little shorter and less bulky but still scary. I don't recognize any of these man, so I concluded they aren't old guards.

"She wont be worth much. But we can have a little fun with her." Last one suggests. At that my blood runs cold, all color leave my face and I am standing still like a statue. They start to make a move and I try to get around them once adrenalin kicks in but no such luck. It's 3 on 1.

In a second they have me pinned on the desk and I cant even move.

"You are beyond beautiful. Such a shame you wont be when we are done with you." The tallest one of them says as he makes a tiny cut on my cheek.

He starts to unbuckle his belt as other two caress my hair and make kissing noises. I try to fight it but the three of them are too strong for me. Me moving around results in another bigger slash on my cheek.

I feel him trying to pull my dress up, with that he collapses on me and I feel the grip letting go. The two others start fighting guards. I can't detect any faces yet as I am struggling to get this man off me. You would be surprised how heavy a dead grown man is. I finally get free, readjust my dress and when I turn around I stare right in Byron's eyes.

I don't see anyone else so I assume he was the one who took all three down. I gave him a silent nod and his eyes fill with relief. That little silent interaction is all we need to establish that I am okay and wasn't touched.

"We took control over the castle, Gregori was searching for you and you should've listen to me. I am glad you are okay Evelyn." He speaks to me in an older brother tone. And for the third time this day I am beyond grateful we have someone as amazing as Byron in our lives.

Author's note: Thank you for your patience!

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