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I know...I am horrible with updating and the reason for that is cuz I moved to different country.. but thats why its time for: GREGORI's POV 🥳

 but thats why its time for: GREGORI's POV 🥳

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4 months ago

With Evelyn and Serafina gone plans can finally go into motion. Arguing with my wife last night was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my entire life. The heartbreak and disappointment I saw in her eyes made me almost run to her, apologize and tell her my whole plan. But she was also the reason I stayed strong.

My father and uncle are very good strategist, but they are also drunk from power they think they have and full of themselves. And they do love compliments and being right. I knew that by now every single staff person will know about the fight Evelyn and I had. Byron told me about three spies of my father's, so we decided to pretend we don't know and use that to our advantage.

Him having spies here means, he already knows Serafina and Evelyn are out of the picture. I am planning on him visiting me and try to subdue me once again to his influence. I will pretend I agree and find out their secret hiding spot, besides that one where Evelyn was taken too.

If I immediately capture him and kill him, I do nothing. But defeating them all, that will solve everyone's problems. I got reports of them robbing the villages, taking advantage of unmarried women and many more horrific crimes.

Now is the time to finally erase old generation of vampires.

3 months later/1 month ago

My father is eating out of my hands and is actively looking for my next bride. Byron was exiled and is now hunting down the smaller groups of my father's army. Some of the guards that are loyal to me are giving me reports of his success.

Byron's success is making my father agitated and nervous. He thinks its not me since I play along and send my trusted guards out to make it seem I am against it. I can see the control slipping out of his hands, which resulted in him imprisoning my uncle last week.

They disagreed on the matter of what to do with attacks, my uncle said he should be in charge and that was enough to sent him to jail.

In two weeks Byron is supposed to return with our supporters all over the world and attack the castle. That should give me enough time to find their last hiding spot, which my father is still keen on keeping to himself.

As I am walking down the corridor to my uncle's cell, I think about my love and our baby for the millionth time this day. They and saving innocent people is what gives me motivation. Evelyn is my strength, she is my everything. When I got her letter I was the happiest person in the world, because I knew she is in good hands and that she understands I love her more than anything.

"What do you want" My uncle asks me the second i come to his cell, his voice raspy, his state disheveled.

"I want to help you." I lie and he scoffs.

"What do you want in return?" I knew he is smarter that he seems.

"I want to know the last location your army is at. If we want to make a plan and win this all, I need to know. For some reason father is so paranoid he threw you in and isn't telling me everything." Hope he buys this.

"I will give you the location if you get me out. I want away from that old crazy maniac. I dont know how you can stand him."

"Thats none of your concern. I can handle him, once you give me the location and I check you didn't lie to me, I will arrange a ride to get you out of here to wherever you want. You can give the directions to the driver on your own." I left out the part how driver will still take him right into Byron's hands and that will be his last day of living. But that's not an important detail.

"You got yourself a deal nephew."

1 day till end of war

News of my uncle's escape and death reached the castle in three days. It was that exact news that made my father go insane. He is shaking and yelling orders all day long. Last night Byron invaded their last location which was in abandoned castle next to Caspian sea. The news haven't reach my father yet and by the time they do, it's gonna be too late.

I was woken up by screaming guards saying the castle is under attack, so I grabbed my sword and run towards the throne room, where I knew my father would be.

The moment I barge into the room the realization dawns on his face. "It was you all along! You killed your uncle! You invaded my forces! You disgraceful excuse of a son! I was trying to make vampires majestic again and you ruined everything, everything!" With that he charged with full force and the final battle began.

Its more than just me and him, I am fighting for justice, I am fighting for new ways in vampire traditions. I am fighting for equality.

I am fighting for Evelyn.

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