Chapter 2

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Thanks for all your votes, even though, I was expecting more, but they are still votes right!?

Back to the story.

This chapter is going to be fun!!!!

This chapters shout out goes to @berries_56 and @Tyran15 everybody please follow them.

And just to clear up, they didn't ask me to do this, I'm doing it on my own free will, if you vote comment or any other thing, I will give you a shout out.
Lory's POV

"Right here!" I told the cab driver, I hand him the 2 dollar bill, and hopped out of his smelly car.

I looked in awe at the beautiful, white tiled two story house, I walked along the path way, admiring the beautiful painted gnomes before knocking quietly. I heard some shuffling then heels clicking up to it.

Finally the door was open, revealing a middle-aged woman. She has a streak of gray hair in her brown hair, and her casual clothes fitted her body perfectly. She smiled kindly at me, before saying,"And you must be Lory, Lory Lillina "

"Yes, Mrs Brooks!" I answered, trying to sound professional.

"No, call me Maydalyn, com'on in!" I stepped into the house were instantly I was greeted by warm air, and a middle aged man.

"Mr Brooks!"

"Richard, please!" He stated extending out his hands for a shake. I took it briefly before giving him a bright smile.

"Sooooo, about Kayden!" Maydalyn started off.

"Don't worry about it, I have very thing under control!" I stated confidently.

"Yeah, you did say that in our little chat over the internet!" She stated.

I nod my head, before Richard smile at me, saying,"Don't worry, hun, she have everything under control, I really think we should get leaving, besides the cab is out side!"

"Your leaving!?" I asked, as soon as Richard left.

"Yeah, this week is our anniversary week, so we're leaving for a month!" Maydalyn explained.

"Umm congrats, but what about my salary!?" I asked, not really caring about anything else.

"Don't worry dear, your salary will be in your account every week, maybe I'll send a little over two thousands, because I know my son could be a prick sometimes, I mean, all the times!"

I nod my head at her statement feeling a little over whelmed with the whole situation.

"Where is Kayden?!" I asked looking around the house,"Is he here?"

"No, he has gone out with some friends, as always," Richard finally came back with their suitcases, and packed bags.

"Are you sure you can handle him?!" She asked again

"Maydalyn, when you come back, he'll be in pyjamas, holding a teddy bear, finger in his mouth and tucked in tight in his bed, don't worry, I can do it!" With that, she hugged me, wished me luck, one last time, before leaving.

I placed my bag down on the couch, before putting my hair up in a high pony tail
And headed to The kitchen, time to get dinner ready!!


Kayden's POV

I barged into the house, where I was greeted by the smell of baked chicken and pasta.

"Mom, I thought you were going to-" My statement was cut short to the sight in front of me, instead of mom, there was a beautiful girl, standing around the diner, with a visible frown on her face.

"Where were you!?" She boomed, her voice strong and confident, not showing any sign of fear.

"None of your damn business, who the hell are you?!" I shouted.

Her lips curved up, showing off her perfect teeth, and she walked up slowly to me, saying, "I want you to go up stairs, tidy your room, its a mess, have a shower, then be back down for supper!"

"You can't tell me what to do!?" I shouted, feeling anger rising in the pit of my stomach, she can't just come up in here and tell me what to do, I'm not a child, she is!

"Ohhh can't I not, in this case, I can, 'cause I'm the babysitter, your the baby, I'm the adult, your the child, you listen to me, for the past month, and until summer as ended!" She boomed again, giving me a hard glare, "Now..." She continued, "Get your arse in that room, and clean it up..NOW!"

"What if I don't, what will you do next!?" I challenged, not feeling the need to give up to this pathetic girl.

"Ohhh, your really gonna pull that card with me?!" She asked, putting one of her perfectly arched eye brow up.

"Yes, what will you do!?" I smirked raising my voice.

"I'll just empty that well seasoned, baked chicken, and cheese pasted into the bin, and let you starve to death, I mean, your mother and father did give me permission to kill, ground, scold, and hit you!" She threatened.

No, no, I can't starve to death, I need home cooked meal, you don't want to know what happened the last time I cooked bacon!!


Every where was on fire, and I was screaming like a girl.

"Mom, mom, help me, I'm gonna die!" I screamed.

Mom and dad came rushing down the stairs and gasping at the sight in front of them.


"My favourite apron!" Mom cried.

"Really?;" I asked.

Flashback Ends

"I'm waiting Mr!" The mysterious girl stated, tapping her foot impatiently on the tiled floor.

"Fine I'll do it!" I mumbled.

"What!? What was that!?" She mocked coming up closer, I could smell her cherry blossom perfume, and I loved it.

"I said I'll do it!" I shouted stomping up the stairs.

"OK mushy, just remember to have a bath!" She cooed, from down stairs.

"What did you just call me?!" I asked.

" got a problem with that!" She stated coldly, putting on a stern glare.

"Apparently not!" I stated sarcastically, "And what should I call you!?"

"Mhhh-mmhh...." She think, "Just call me mom, my dear mushy!" And with that, she went back to the kitchen.

"Mom, really!?" I whispered under my breathe, "I like it!"

Something's defiantly off here, but, I like it!!

Thanks so much for reading!!!

I love you so much guys, please follow me, and vote!!!!!

Love love love love love love always.

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