Chapter 3

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This book is going to be rather short, 'cause I do have a lot on my case at the moment.

But don't worry, I'm getting the hang of writing more than 300 words, I'm moving up to 1000 and more, real cool, right!?

I can see that every one is enjoying the book this far, so I just want to say, thanks for reading it.

This chapter is going to be somewhat, funny, I'll try my best to make Lory, the bossy girl, she is, kinda like a second me, don't you think!?🤔🤔🤔

Any ways, back to my lovable book, peeps!!!

Shout outs goes to @amehbee and @girlygrillly everyone follow them they are all awesome!!

Lory's POV

"And the three little pigs live happily ever after!" I finished the story, looking down at a tucked in Kayden. Its a funny thing, because, I know his name, and he doesn't know mine.

"Was that suppose to help  me fall asleep!?" He asked, with a very deep husky voice.

"Apparently!" I answered, shortly after been asked.

"Well, I'm more awake now!" He confessed, shaking his head, "You know, I was suppose to be at a party, not tucked in bed, with a sponge Bob pyjama on!"

"Lucky for you, I'm over here trying to keep my eyes open!"

"Why don't you sleep!?"

"I have to watch, you, don't want you running off in the middle of the night, without my permission, I am after all your mother!" I stated sternly.

"OK, mom!" He snapped, after some quiet time, he asked,"Can I ask you something!?"

"You are already asking, blow me away!"

"What's your name!?"

"Lory, Lory Lillina, but just call me mom!" I replied, rubbing my eyes.

"That's a pretty name," he stated, with a little smirk taking over his lips.

"Thanks I'm flattered!" I replied sarcastically, "Now time for me to ask you a question!"

"Why, this isn't 20 questions!" He grumbled.

"Well you're going to keep my company, since your not sleepy, so deal with it mushy!" I scold.

"Alright go ahead!" He stated, defeated.

"Why are you like this!?"

"Like how?!"

"Being a prick in the arse for your parents and I!?"

"I kinda never told anyone this before..." He trailed off, holding up his teddy bear, he looked over at me as I persist him to go on.

"I do this, because I want my parents attention, they never have time for me, always going on dates, long vacations, and caring about their selves. It was never about me, so, I do this, to get their attention, but they still find some reason not to be here with me, instead its you!" He finished.

He looked sad, and heartbroken, and he made me feel guilty, "Well I only did this because I wanted the money!" I admitted.

"It's okay, I guess, its kinda fun, having you around!" He yarn.

"Yeah, it is!" I stated, and started to sooth his chocolate hair. Soooo soft.

"Some friends are coming over tomorrow, just for you to know!" He told me.

"What, your girlfriends?!" I asked.

"No, all boys!" And with that, he turned, and fell soundly asleep.

All boys!

I whisper to my self, I know that I wasn't good been around with boys, can't stand them, but, that's okay, I guess!


"Rise and shine sleeping beauty!" I boomed, causing Kayden to fell off the bed.

"ow!" He grumbled, getting up, pouting at the end. His bed hair makes him look sexy.


Bad Lory!!

"Breakfast is ready, and three disgusting boys are waiting in the kitchen for you, not to mention that they are greedy!"

"Ohhh, OK!" He replied, In a deep morning voice, "I'll be down in a sec!"

"Good!" With that, I marched from his room and back into the kitchen.

"So Gwehn, " I stated at the blond haired muscled one.

"Yes beautiful!"

"Where's the plate of waffles I left earlier!?" I asked, astonished.

"Why don't you ask Don and Chase!?" He asked, motioning to the two eating boys.

"It wasn't me, it was Don!" Chase whined, with his mouth full.

"Please don't!" I hissed, fanning him away.

"Where's my share!?" Kayden asked, walking down the stairs.

"They finished it, I'll make you another plate!" I told him, walking back to the stove.

After some while, I came back go the diner where the boys were talking and laughing.

"What are guys talking about?!" I asked placing the plate in front of a drewling Kayden

"A party tonight!" Don replied

"What's so fascinating about a party?!" I asked.

"Its fascinating because you are coming!" Gwehn, stated firmly.


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