Part 2

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Camila's POV


A punch on my stomach, blood on my lips, a kick in the shin and yet I still feel nothing. I opened my eyes because I heard someone laugh. It was Brad. His hand came along my face and slapped me. He repeats this for a few times but he suddenly stopped and I heard a feminine voice say, "Stop it, Brad. Isn't this enough? Let's go now." Lauren Jauregui.

'Funny' I thought to myself. She was the one who slammed me into the locker in the first place and yet she cared enough to try to stop her boyfriend.

I saw Brad turned around to face her immediately and raised his voice, " What? Are you trying to be the hero now? Bitch, you just have to be my good little girlfriend and I will be nice to you. Stop trying to stand up for that freak."

His hand was in mid air ready to hit her. Slap. All of their friends laughed and cheered him on. She look like she was on the verge of crying. Huh. Weird. I guess she doesn't have a perfect life either.

Lauren ran away as fast as she could and Brad turned to me and kicked me one last time in the stomach. After that him and his gang strolled back into the school building.

I held onto the wall beside me and tried to get up so that I could get to 1st period. I saw everyone staring at me and some people whispering to each other. Once I got to my locker I saw half of my reflection. I was covered in blood, dust and there were some footprints on my shirt that used to be white. I guess I should go to the washroom and change my clothes and wash my face to look more presentable.

Lauren's POV


I ran and ran quickly into the girl's toilet because I didn't want anyone to see my vulnerable state and my tears falling out of my eyes. I opened all the taps so that the noise of the water falling into the sink covers my frantic cries.

Then, I ran into the stall closest to me and began to sob. I wanted to scream but I am too scared. I punched the wall behind the cistern. My cries echoed through the entire girl's bathroom.

I soon hear heavy footsteps coming towards the bathroom door. They stopped in front of right in front of my stalls and I heard the taps being turned off. The person walked back to my stalls. There was a knock on my door and I jumped a little.

" Hey" , a raspy yet familiar voice said. Camila? I was still sobbing quite a bit at that moment. A tanned hand reached from under my stall's door. She was holding some tissues. " Here." Camila said as she waved her hand a bit as if she wanted me to take the tissues.

I accepted it and I don't know what came over me but the next thing I knew the door was open and I jumped into Camila's strong arm and cried in her chest. She didn't move away. Instead she wrapped one of her hands around my back and slowly trailed up until her fingers were between my hair. She held me. It was so comforting. I felt so right and safe in her arms. I got a tingly feeling in my stomach, like a butterfly was trying to escape. 

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