Check Mate

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I woke up to my phone ringing. I'm at my dad house sleep in the bed with Champion curled up next to me. I sat up and grabbed my phone. I answered it.

"Hello?" I said groggily.

"Hey boo. Wanna go out on a date tomorrow?" Xavier asked.

"Yea sure. Can Champion come? He not gon want me to leave him. Cause I'm his favorite Siddu" I said.

"Ha. okay. The date is at 8. See you then Charmed." he said.

"Alright bye" I said.

"Bye" I hung up and laid back down.

Champion woke up and started cooing. He just turned three and he is just a big baby. We do baby him. He spoiled too. He loves to play and jump and laugh.

I picked him up and carried him down stairs with me. Yea he chubby, but he still Siddu baby. So of course I stay picking him up.

He fell asleep on me and was snoring his ass off. I went back upstairs with him and put him in the bed. He was knocked out. It was so cute.

I smiled and went back down stairs. I ate a couple strawberries and then went back upstairs and went to sleep. Dad isn't home, so I'm just here to watch Champion.


I woke up to Champion laying on me. He was wide awake just laying on me talking. I smiled and looked at him.

"Siddu you wake up. Make me sum to eat. I hungwy. I want pancake, egg, balon,(bacon). I want siweeol (cereal)" I smiled at his little hungry self and picked him up and brought him down stairs with me.

"You siddu baby. Yes you are. Yes you are" I said smiling and kissing his chubby cheek. He is so adorable.

"Siddu you bwef stank" I burst out laughing as he pinched his little nose.

I sat him in his high chair and started cooking. He was sitting there singing and being his regular morning self. He loves to play and make noise. Like any other baby boy.

I finished cooking and gave him some juice and a little bit of cereal so he can wait on the food to cool off a bit. I don't want it to be too hot. I made the bacon crunchy and delicious just like he likes it and the mini blueberry pancakes he likes so much. I even made the eggs with cheese in them.

When I came back to him, the sippy cup with juice in it was empty and he was reaching for the plate. I sat it down in front of him and started to refill his juice. I gave him his sippy cup and watched him eat while I ate. He was so adorable. I should just adopt him and keep him.

We both finished eating and I took him upstairs. I took him a bath and put him on his clothes and brushed his little waves. I sat him on the bed and turned on the cartoons. That will keep him busy while I take a shower.

I took a fifteen minute shower and got out. I dried off and wrapped a towel around me. I peeked out the door and saw Champion was still watching cartoons. I brushed my teeth, washed my face, and out on lotion. I walked to my closet and got out my sweats. I put them on and sat on the bed.

Champion crawled over and laid on me. I smiled at him. He snuggled up on me and laid his head on my boob while he watched tv. I know his ass about to fall asleep soon. He always does that when he lay on my boobs.

I rocked him back and forth like he was a new born and I started to hear him snoring. I laid him on the bed and went back to the closet which I still have some clothes in and pulled out my white dress with all the different colored dots. I got out some white heels.

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