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I gotta ho to school today. Not that I really feel like going. It's been two months since Xavier left, and I'm so fucking bored and lonely now a days. I need a boyfriend like fuck.

I decided on a grey sweater with a black x going across it, a black, mid thigh length skirt, some black stockings, and some black flats. I grabbed my bag and left. I decided no make-up today.

I got in the car and drove to school. I listened to A cappella by Kelis the whole way there. I parked and headed inside. Joan looked at me and frowned a tad.

"What is this?" she said pointing to my outfit.

"My design" I said softly.

"Why do you look like you just threw on whatever?", she asked.

"I was depressed when I sewed this two months ago. I'm depressed now. So this is my my way of expressing it" I said.

"Good! You pass mg class for the year. You are free to go." she said smiling.

"What... what?", I was so confused.

"You pass. The whole reason you're in this class is to learn to express yourself through your designs. I wanted to see you." she said.

"Oh. okay..." I said trailing off. I was just in shock.

"You can go now Ms.Jones." she said.

I nodded and left. I can't believe I just passed for the year. Hmm... I guess I have to read between the lines when these teachers talk.

I went to my car and drove back home. I parked and got out. I walked into my house and sat on my couch. Wow. I can't believe I passed my class.

I sag my pants until my ass shows
I even slap hoes yea I'm an asshole yea yea. yo parents hate me cause I love you. tell em I said fuck you. yea I said fuck you. yea yea.

My phone rang and I answered it.

"Hello?" I said

"Hey sissy boots" Celeste said.

"What you want skinny ass?" I asked.

"Damn rude ass. I'm moving into the new house tomorrow. Mom gonna live with me" she said.

"So?" I said.

"Come help me pack and unpack at the house tomorrow." she said.

"Fine bitch. Okay. I'll do it." I said.

"Yaay. Talk..." I hung up in her face and turned my phone off.

I was so happy until now. I don't want anything to do with mom. I thought I had escaped, but I can't fucking go nowhere without my ratchet ass family on my ass.

Ugh! I walked into my room and undressed. I got naked and got in bed. I get a three hour nap since I no longer have to go to fashion school, which starts at 6, today.

I set my alarm for 11:00, and went my ass to sleep. I woke up when my alarm went off. I was good and rested. I went through the rest of my day like normal. I'm just so tired of this shit. I'm so damn alone and unhappy. I need a man in my life.

I came home, showered, ate, watched tv, and went to sleep. That's all I do EVERY FUCKING DAY!. ugh! Sometimes I wonder if I'll ever find love.


I woke up the next day and turned off my early ass alarm. Since it's only April, I get a 4 month summer. Thank god. My phone rang.

"Hello?" I said as I got out of bed and headed for the bathroom.

"Hey Charmed, it's Celeste. I need you in three hours. I'm at Bushing Hotel (A/N made up)" she said.

"Alright fine. I'll be there." I said.

I took a shower, dried off, and finished the rest of my hygiene thing. I put my curly hair in a messy ponytail m I through on a baggy white t shirt and some baggy sweat pants. I went to my kitchen and ate a bagel with cream cheese, then drank some orange juice.

I got in my car and drove to the hotel. Three hours hadn't passed, but I wanted to be nosey and talk with Celeste before she gets packing.

When I got there, all the heavy boxes were being moved to a big moving truck. I walked over and  went inside. My sister walked over.

"Hey girl. You early as hell. Almost two hours" she said smiling.

I looked at her. What she got up her sleeve? Why she moving out here? Oh lord. I hope she ain't on no bullshit. I hope she not trying to get me and mom close.

"Why did you move out here with mom?" I asked.

"Because my husband got a job offer out here. Mom needs to be watched. She is going through so much since Robert died. The least we can do is support her." she said.

"Yea whatever. You can support her. I'm not" I said walking off.

The rest of the day was spent with packing and loading the trucks. We then took them to the house and set stuff up. Her house began to look like her old house, just a new setting.

I still can't believe she wants me to help her watch mom. Mom never watched me. She never cared about me. If anything, she got me into shit that moms are supposed to try to keep their children out of. She never supported me in shit. I refuse to support her. I'll pass

hey all

I know it's boring

it's a filler

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pleaaase ask questions

I can't do the questions chapter if I don't have enough questions.

Or do y'all think I should do it at the end of the series? I still have like 4 books left to write in this series.

So yea I guess I'll just do it at the end. Still ask questions because it will be enough to have a long chapter.



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