Chapter Fourteen

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"Why would they put the kitchen on the second floor?" Ethan questions aloud as he and Miyo look for any decent food. Miyo finds a very old can with no label on it, "Yeah, how would you get all the produce and stuff up here without a huge hassle?" The two stare at each other and shake their heads. They lightly chuckle and continue digging through half broken drawers and rat-filled pantries. Miyo struggles with the can, "Do you think there's a knife or something around here to open this can?" Ethan starts rapidly opening drawers, "There's gotta be silverware somewhere." Miyo scoffs, "I'd be surprised if we found half decent dinnerware in this old place." Ethan wipes off his glasses and looks around once again. He spots a door that is blocked by some shelves and the old trays the nurses used to serve the patients' food on. "Here Miyo can you help me with this?" She turns to Ethan with her can and helps her friend. They easily move the shelf. "What do you think is behind it?" The boy questions, his blue eyes examining the weird shaped door frame. "Welp, we don't know until we figure it out." She carefully turns the door handle, but it doesn't budge. "Fuck. You try." She gestures toward the door for Ethan. He walks up and tries as well. He pulls instead, but nothing works. A huge bang scares the two teenagers. Miyo clings onto Ethan, "The fuck was that?!" The door handle jiggles and door slowly opens. Miyo reaches for the can, just in case she needs to throw it. Mist rises from the "closet". A figure forms, a seldom plump figure, with a chef's hat forming on top of its head. Ethan squeezes Miyo's wrist as they both slowly back out of the kitchen. In the bottom of the closet Ethan spots a shiny object. It looks to be... "There's a machete!" He whisper-yells, but fails to keep quiet. The ghost turns to the children and screams. Miyo screams with it and runs out of the kitchen with Ethan attached to her arm. "Don't look back!" Miyo shouts and pants. They reach the steps and bump into something else. Miyo notices the blue hair, "Fuck, Gwin! I've never been happier to see you! Come on!" With Ethan holding her left wrist, she gives her right hand to Gwin. They hop up the stairs together. Their breathing syncing into each other. Ethan makes the mistake of looking down and spots the ghost. A small little panic attack starts inside the boy. His breathing pattern messes up and a light headache starts, because of his light breathing. Miyo notices his grip slipping up the steps. "Ethan?" She stops, making Gwin stop, their hands still intertwined. "Ethan it's okay," she tries calming her friend. "What's happening?" Gwin questions from up above. "He's having a panic attack."

"Oh my god," Ethan expectorates. He wants Clive, he needs Clive really bad. The ghost makes noises from the second floor. "Gwin! Go get Clive! Or at least try!"

"I can't the door is locked shut! That's why I came to get you guys," she explains, the situation not helping Ethan's nerves at all. Miyo tries her best to grab Ethan. He cries out as she touches him. "Ethan, it's me, Miyo!" Miyo has to lunge up the stairs, dragging Ethan behind her. Purple dots surround Ethan's eyes. His breathing makes his world slowly disappear.

Jake slightly chuckles, "Maybe these voices told me to dye my hair my freshmen year." The boys laugh. Suddenly, breathless, Gwin pops up at the door. Clive stands up, "What's wrong?" Gwin catches her breath, "It's Ethan, he's having a panic attack and Miyo is having trouble getting him up the stairs, plus there's another ghost." Both of the guys freak out. Clive goes nuts and throws his hands onto the bars. He shakes them violently, trying to break through. Gwin steps back, afraid of what Clive is capable of. "No, calm down Clive!" He starts punching on the door. His knuckles splitting as he does. Jake tries grabbing him.

Suddenly Miyo screams, trying to pull up Ethan. He flails his arms, hitting her in her wound. Miyo's scream echoes through the stairway and the third floor. Worry fills Gwin, she sprints away from the door and toward the screams of her friend. The screams trigger Clive and remind him of the screams of his mother.

The football player is now in his 5th-grade year in elementary school. He's locked in his room, his blue room. His dad has just arrived home from work. He slams the door shut, but Clive tries to concentrate on his math homework. Suddenly his mother screams in pain, but it is quieter than when he was in kindergarten because she's become used to the beatings. The 10-year-old Clive finally stands and runs out for his mom. He watches his father throw the hot pan of food across the kitchen. Tears threaten the younger child's eyes. His dad's rage has stopped and he goes on his own way. He approaches his crying mother, a bruise forming on her forearm. "It's okay Clive. Do you need any help with your homework?"

Back to reality, Clive answers out loud, "Yes," and he cries. He continues punching the door. Jake wraps his arms around him, trying to tame his flying punches.

Gwin helps Miyo with Ethan. "Us dragging him probably isn't the best for his nerves," Gwin states. "Well, would you rather have him killed by a ghost?" Miyo questions, a little bit of agitation in her voice. Gwin sighs and helps Miyo set Ethan beside the door. He worked himself up so much that blood is gushing out of his nose, but his eyes are closed. "Clive! Clive! Clive! Look! Ethan is here. Calm down," Jake shouts at his friend. Gwin panics and takes the gun out of her pocket and tries to aim it at the door. Miyo moves Ethan as far as way as possible, just in case the bullet ricochets off the metal door. "Gwin, please be careful!" Miyo shouts from down the hallway, as soon as she finishes yelling Gwin pulls the trigger. The sound of metal off of metal rings in the hallway. The door handle breaks off and Clive busts it open. He rushes down the hallway to Ethan.

Miyo runs over to Gwin, grabbing the gun, "Are you alright?" Gwin stares blankly at the ground, "Yeah." Miyo rubs her arms and wraps her up into a hug. The hug brings Gwin back from her little trance. A sudden sadness hits her, the feeling of not wanting to do anything, to rot in this asylum alone. Gwin suddenly feels worthless, even though she just saved a few of her friends. 

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