Part 1 - The Ghost in the Walls

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This chapter is dedicated to @Kara0703

Your heart is beating so fast you think it will burst through your chest and kill you stone dead.  In this  refuge, this maze of lath and plaster, this dark and scary cellar, you skid to a halt in a complete dead end.  With bemused horror, you stare at the locked door, the reinforced glass and padlock, the bars outside.  Behind you, you hear his ragged breathing, and the deadly patter of  feet.  Brahms is coming.

You batter on that locked door, screaming with terror.   You've just seen him kill Joel and you can still hear the noises your ex boyfriend made as he died.  You'll be next because you've rejected Brahms and run away.

Your brain clamours with the why's and if only's.    Why did you ever come here to work as a nanny to a life sized doll...a substitute child for an elderly couple?    If only you'd listened to your instincts the moment you saw that porcelain monstrosity!

You swing to face the  passageway.   You can barely breathe  and take deep juddering breaths, verging on hysteria.   What will he do when he finds you?   Kill you?  Torture you?   Cut you into little--


That ghastly man-child's voice with its pleading tone.  Plaintive and corrupt.    You cower, even though you know you should dredge up courage and die with some dignity.  You wonder if you can do your own damage before he takes you down.   Gouge out an eye, break a finger, bite that hideous mask to pieces...

You crouch in the gloom, glaring at him.   He's bent double,  that stark white mask staring across at you.   He uses a wheedling tone again and you feel another scream building in your throat.  "Be good to me, please...and I'll be good to you...I  will..."

 "Go away!"

You watch him shuffle forwards, one arm outstretched.  

"Don't come any nearer...Leave me alone!"

You try to squeeze as far back against the doorway as you can, right though it and out the other side.   He's feet away now and closing.

"I won't hurt you, Y/N"  he whispers.  

You're almost crying now, because you're utterly at the end of your tether.   All the tensions of the past week;  Joel returning from America to bully you again, finding out Brahms is a grown man living hidden in the walls of this house, the suicide of his parents, your own desperate loneliness.  You hold both hands over your mouth to stifle the sobs and pull your body into a ball.  Like a child you close your eyes as though this might make the monster disappear, as if this might break the nightmare.

You feel him then; so close you smell the stale sweat and that musky male odour of  pheromones.  You fear him but...

At his touch, your eyes fly open. That white mask is inches from your face.   Behind the cut out holes you see his eyes glittering.  You kick out but he seems immune to the pain.   

"Don't touch me!"   

You turn again to the door and pound on the glass, but then he has you, and he's strong, so strong, and dragging you backwards.   You hang onto his forearms desperately, trying to relieve the pressure of the headlock, but the more you struggle the worse the pressure and in the end you give up and let him drag you back towards the light.   The light gets brighter and then you're both standing in your bedroom closet; the one with the false door at the back, and Brahms lets go of you.   You stumble into the room and fetch up against the bed.  For a heartbeat you imagine him coming in for the kill.  You tense then turn to glare at him.

But he's just standing there staring back at you.  

It's an impasse; a stalemate.  Cautiously, you straighten up and try to smooth your hair.  Your heart's still drumming but you feel, sense, that he's not going hurt least not yet.

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