Dark Crystal - Part 54

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The stone you dug from Joel's flesh is black and shiny.   You've washed it in cold water and it now sits on the kitchen table between you and Brahms, gleaming brightly.

"Obsidian," he says.

"Dragon Glass?" you reply.

Brahms doesn't smile at your quip, it's not his way, and you're not even sure if he's watched Game of Thrones.  "Volcanic glass?" 

He nods.  "Igneous rock.  I've studied geology and mineralogy.  Obsidian is used in surgical scalpels for precise surgery.  It's said the blades are superior to  surgical steel."  The oak moss green eyes lift to meet yours.  "They say it repels negativity."  

"I'm not sure what this has been used for, Brahms.  Nothing good.  I know Elias had lots of this stuff back in Montana.   Did you see that tattoo in Joel's armpit?"

"Nos venimus," he murmurs.


"The inscription.   It's Latin.   Nos venimus..."

"You speak Latin?"

Brahms raises both brows as though you should know he does.

"Well...what does it mean?"

You watch him pick up the egg shaped crystal then turn it this way and that so  the light  glances off it.   His  eyes  flicker to meet yours.   "Call us...and we come."

You feel the blood drain from your heart until every limb is heavy as lead.  "Call what?   Whatever it is, it's already here!  What in God's name have they done?"

"I don't believe in God," Brahms says.   "At least not the God shoved down most people's throats."  

You glance nervously around the kitchen.  Fear is percolating into every cell.   "Don't say stuff like that, Brahms.   You saw that thing on the landing.  Explain that away!"

"I can't.  But I do believe people can play on the minds and psyche's of others.   This..."  He wags the obsidian crystal at you.   "This isn't magic.   This comes from somewhere more twisted than I'll ever be.   Dark places in black hearts.  Thought forms made alive by wishful thinking.  Your servitors."

"But that's what black magic is!"

"No.   It doesn't come from Hell, or Hades, or places where mystical demons thrive."   Brahms's eyes glitter.   "This comes from the abyss inside all of us."

You stare at him in indignation.   "Not all of us..."

"Yes.  All of us."

You remember Melinda, the savage satisfaction you felt when she fell, the utter lack of empathy as her body hit the cold, stone flags.   What part of you had done that?   What part of you has been lost to another truth?  Glaring at Brahms, you wish suddenly you'd never come here; never met him or his twisted parents, never inherited the wealth that now shackles you as surely as a ball and chain.   You thought you'd escaped Joel and his control and the mundane life that always saw you struggling to be successful and free.   But all you've done is swap one hell for another! 

Fighting back tears you snatch the crystal from Brahms and throw it viciously against the wall where it gouges a golf ball sized hole in the plaster.   Breathing heavily, you stare down at the floor - at the spinning egg of pitch black.   Slowly, the crystal stops revolving.   There's not a mark on it.    A single tear worms it's way treacherously down your cheek.  "I'm not like you!"

Brahms leans back on his chair and folds his arms across his chest.   You refuse to look at him because you know what you'll see.   And the reflection he offers is more than you can bear.   

"Let it out," Brahms tells you.  

"I'm not you!" you screech.    "I never hurt a soul before I came here.   I'm me.  I'm normal.  I'm Y/N!   I have family who love me.    I come from a loving family who care, who've never hurt me.  I've got friends and...and I..."

As you stumble, Brahms picks you up.   "And you spent years  in isolation with a man who abused you.  How normal do you suppose that is?  Or are you going to deny that too?"

"You bastard!"

"A man you wanted dead just as much as I did.   A man who killed your unborn child."

"Don't you dare mention my baby..."  A sob breaks from you and you stand and hold your head in both hands.   "What the hell am I even doing here with you?"

"You can leave at any time."

God, you can't stand this man's eye of the storm calmness!    Here you are  stuck in the middle of some surreal almost prehistoric nightmare.  Why isn't he comforting you?  Giving you what you want to hear?   He's always been the protector!   The one with the strength you could draw on.  Once he feared to let you go.  Now, it's as though he doesn't even care any more.  Let you go?  WTF? 

Perhaps nothing's changed, you think suddenly.   All the emotion I've invested in him?    Has he been pretending to care?   Just so he won't be alone?   A true psychopath?  Oh, I can't bear it...

Fury fills you.   An anger so black you suddenly despise him.  His silence speaks volumes and you loathe him for it.   "Say something, Goddamit!   Stop sitting there staring and judging me like I did something terrible and you're Mother  fucking Theresa.  This isn't fair.   Yes, I wanted Joel dead.  I did.   God forgive me.  But...you...you're supposed to love me!" 

Brahms unfolds his arms  and gets to his feet.    He approaches you slowly,  staring down into your upturned face.    His voice is so soft it's almost a whisper.  "Now, at last, you feel what is to be me."  

Then he takes both your hands and kisses them.   "I love you more than you'll ever know.  How many times do I have to say it?   What you're feeling?   This is what you need to fight whatever's coming for us.   The anger.  The rage?   This is good.  Nurture it."   He bends to pick up the black crystal.    "You don't fight this kind of  darkness with light."

"I don't want to be like this, though.   I don't feel good about myself when I think dark thoughts."

"I know.   But it's necessary."

"What if we can't beat it?  What if it wins?"

He sighs and tilts his head.  "Shall I tell you what fear does?   It weakens you.  Makes you vulnerable.  I learned that a long time ago.   It was burned out of me by my mother."

"I'm not brave like you."

Brahms smiles then, and it lights up the room and your heart.  "You're here with me, aren't you?"

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