The Boy - Part 69

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It's been four years now, since you returned to Brahms.   The boys are doing well at school, and you and Brahms have settled into a routine that suits you both.   You don't mind when he goes off for hours at a time to do his own thing; and he doesn't mind if you want to take the boys out for the day, or go shopping.   The possessiveness that once drove him has gone, and in its place is a contentment you know no other woman could have given him.  

Thanks to Brahms's parents, you're both immeasurably wealthy.   You don't suggest a family holiday because you know Brahms won't ever leave the Heelshire mansion.   And you're still working up to bringing your family here for a visit.   Instead, you spend money on landscaping the grounds and turning them into an adventure playground for the boys.   They often have friends around and never question their father's need to hide away inside the walls when visitors come.   They seem to understand him in ways that go beyond words and explanations.   At nine years' old, they're achingly handsome like their father.

Then one day, Jamie comes home from school with a black eye and split lip, and Sean's knuckles are grazed and raw.

"Jesus, what happened to you both?"  You stoop to examine Jamie's face, but he pulls away.  You raise both brows and stare him out.  Sullenly, he says, "fight."

"With whom?"

Sean buts in. "They jumped us on the bridle path."

"Who did?" you demand, your voice getting shrill.

"I flattened him," Jamie says with a jerk of his chin.   

You watch his eyes flicker up to a point above your head.  You turn to see Brahms standing in the doorway of the kitchen.   He stares at his injured sons and you see a familiar hard glitter kindling  in his eyes.   

"It's what kids do, Brahms.   They need to find their own levels.  It's just a few bruises."

Jamie bares his teeth in an exaggerated grimace and you see a bloody gap on the lower jaw.    "For God's sake, he's knocked out a tooth!  Who did this?  I won't ask you again! "

Brahms squats down to inspect the damage.  He's oddly calm, and you wonder when the storm might break.   He pulls Jamie's lip down and peers into his mouth.  "It's only a milk tooth.  It'll be fine."    You watch as something silent passes between father and son.

"Matthew Harper," Jamie says.

"And what did you do to Matthew?" Brahms asks.

"Broke his nose, hopefully."

"Before or after he did this to you?"


"How did that make you feel?"


Brahms stares intensely into Jamie's eyes, then nods.   "So long as you didn't start it."  Then he turns to Sean, takes a hand and stares at the bloody knuckles.   "You defended your brother?"

A nod of confirmation. 

"Two on one?"

Another nod.

"Do you think Jamie needed your help?"

"Anyone who attacks him attacks me."

"Then the fight isn't fair, is it?"

"He's taller than us.  Fourteen."

"He's got  big muscles!"  Jamie interjects.

"Fourteen year olds who pick on nine year olds deserve all they get," you blurt angrily.   "God, I hate bullies.  And I know that boy.   He hangs around in the village with his cronies.  He's twice the size of these two!"

The Boy Movie Brahms Heelshire x reader FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now