Part 9 - Getting Closer

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This Chapter is dedicated to @AvaChampine

You're gone three hours.   At first you worry about Brahms's insecurities but finally conclude that he doesn't, and won't ever, ride roughshod over your life.   And if that means you kill each other in the process, so be it.

The village is two miles from the Heelshire mansion.   It takes a few minutes  to get there.   You decide to pick up some bits and pieces; toiletries, some fresh mascara, six packs of tampons and some chocolate bars.   Most of the grocery basics are delivered to the house weekly but you can't help indulging in a little retail therapy.

The library is small but has good, fast wifi.  You get on line and purchase a whole wardrobe for Brahms.   Jeans.  Sweatshirts.  Underwear.  Boots. Shoes. Socks.  Tee shirts.  Linen pants. Cotton skinny Chinos. Joggers.  Converse.   You don't know his shoe size but guess he's around a UK 11 because of his height.  Just to be safe, you order a couple of  11.5 trainers.  

Feeling very satisfied, you eventually wend home via the scenic route cutting past the lake.  The stile that bisects the dry stone wall is near Joel's grave and you pause a moment to stare at the disturbed earth where you know he lies.  

"You can't hurt me or anyone else anymore," you whisper, wondering if his ghost hears you.  You don't linger long.   It's too creepy and Brahms will be waiting.

You call his name as you come through the front door.  

"Brahms!   I'm back."

He's there within minutes watching as you unpack the bags.   You hide a smile as you see he's not wearing his dad's old cardigan.  Today, he's wearing a moss green cotton shirt that's too short in the arms and a pair old combat pants.   His feet are bare.

"Brahms, don't you ever wear shoes?"

"Not often."

"Why not?  Don't your feet get cold?"

"My scars hurt."

You stop to stare at him.  "I've ordered you some footwear.  I guessed size eleven to eleven five?"

He nods vaguely.   "You came back," he murmurs.

"Of course.   I told you I would."

He hovers in the doorway.

"What's wrong, Brahms?   Are you OK?"

He nods again.

"Missed me, huh?"  You glance across at him, smiling but he's in silent mode so you don't take it personally.    He moves into the kitchen then fills the kettle.  "Ah, I could kill a coffee, Brahms, thanks."

You pass Brahms a Mars Bar but he shakes his head.  "No?   You don't like chocolate?"

"I never eat sugar."

"You don't?  Wow!   I wish I had your will power."

"I wasn't allowed."

"Why not?"

 "Have to look after my teeth."

"Are you telling me you've never been to the dentist?"

"Before the fire, yes."

"Do you have all your teeth?"

"Of course I do."

He certainly sounds as though he does.  You guess the Heelshire's dared not run the risk of him being seen by a doctor or dentist.   They might have ended up having to hand Brahms over to the authorities.  Not that you think that wouldn't have been a good idea.  

The Boy Movie Brahms Heelshire x reader FanFicWhere stories live. Discover now