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"Alright, Mads, this is just getting plain ridiculous." Mackenzie said with Maddie's hands covered over her eyes as she led her back to her dorm.

"Look, I know we've been doing stuff all day, and you probably want to sleep-"

"Very much so." She chuckled while interrupting.

"...but I have one more surprise for you." Maddie giggles in excitement, pushing Mackenzie's dorm room open, removing her hands from her hands, "Ta da!"

Mackenzie scanned around the room in search for something special, but frowned when there was nothing there but a box of pizza with the movie The Notebook sitting next to it.

"Maddie, there's nothing special about this, we do it every week."

"But this week, it's extra special because it's your birthday!" She squealed.

Mackenzie's eyebrows furrowed, suddenly irritated with her sister, "Get the hell out."

"Okay, okay, sorry." Maddie defended, shuffling out of the room with a smirk on her face.

Mackenzie sighed, throwing her satchel near her closet and plopping on bed and opening the pizza.

Her eyebrows furrowed at the sight, "Meat lovers...? But I don't eat meat lovers..."

"But I love it."

Mackenzie froze at the sound of the voice. It was Johnny. She knew it was Johnny. She turned around slowly, facing him. He looked quite different; he had a small amount of scruff that was beginning to engulf his chin and a little of his cheeks, his voice dropped a few octaves, making Mackenzie's heart jump.

She jumped on him, wrapping her legs his waist and planting his face with small kisses, making him giggle.

"Kenz- Happy Birthday!" He muttered in between kisses.

He was cut off again by her lips, she immediately deepened it, climbing from around his waist and pulling him on top of her in her somewhat small bed.

She pulled away, breathless, "Johnny! I missed you so much!"

Johnny chuckled deeply, moving in kiss her neck. Mackenzie winced, "You gotta get rid of this..."

"I haven't shaved in months-"

"Three years ago, you would've shaved the first chance you got." She laughs, "Speaking of... are you... leaving, Johnny?"

Three years. Three years since they last saw each other and they reconnected like they never left.

Johnny looks at her with a smile, "I graduated!"

"You what?!"

"Yeah, sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want to distract you from your studies."

"Ahh, that's okay," She waved off, "You're here, now."

"Right, so, I'm going to be studying law here, at Oxford!"

Mackenzie jumped up in excitement, "But you just said..."

"Mackenzie, I can't be without, the last three years have been complete hell, but I promised myself I would let you be and explore being without me to discover what you wanted to do..."

"Johnny, I know what I wanna do..."

"And what is that?"

"Be with you."

get off my BACK whores!

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