BOO! <3

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Johnny bundled up Avery's costume, for probably the third time that evening, the 11 year old groaning as her friends were standing behind her, waiting for her to join them.

Mackenzie's upstairs with their other, younger, daughter, Eliana.

"Dad!" Avery whines, dragging out the syllable dramatically.

"Okay, okay." Johnny whispered, kissing her forehead, "I'm sorry."

"Where's mom? I want her to take our picture!" Avery let out a sigh of relief when Johnny finally let her go, signaling for her friends to come closer.

"She's upstairs, helping your sister with her costume."

"Eli could fix her own costume!"

"Avery... Eli is 5."

"She's fine! Mom!" Avery yelled, once again, dragging out the word.

Mackenzie rushed down the stairs, keys in one hand and Eli's hand in the other, "Sorry, sorry, sorry." She apologized, the 6-year-old running to hug her sister to which she flinched.

"Get off of me!" Avery's friends behind her began to chuckle, making Avery frown.

"Be nice... please?" Mackenzie begged, pulling her phone out of her back pocket, quickly snapping a few pictures of the small group of children, "Okay, Avery. You're old enough to walk your sister to Grandma's and go trick or treating by yourself, are you not?"

Avery scoffs. grabbing her sister by her wrist, "Of course I am! See you later, mom. Bye dad."

"Ah ah." Mackenzie taunts, making Avery turn around, "In the neighborhood, Avery..."

"Alright, mom, I promise."

"She's growing up so fast." Mackenzie chuckles, holding her chest sarcastically, and closing the front door.

"She is..." Johnny begins, "They are."

Johnny pulls Mackenzie's hand away from the door and sits on the couch, pulling her on top of him, "Finally. We're alone."

Mackenzie chuckles again, Johnny's mouth making its way to her neck, but before he could do anything, their doorbell rings.

Johnny throws his head back, groaning as Mackenzie climbs off of his lap, "tRiCk OR TrEaT1!11!!" The kids yell, making Mackenzie smile, she grabs a few candies from her side tables, tossing them into their buckets as they scurry off.

Mackenzie makes sure to shut the porch light off, so there would be no kids coming up to their door for the night.

Johnny sits up slightly at the feeling of Mackenzie placing herself in his lap again, this time her mouth coming into contact with his neck and his hands attach to her legs, sliding upwards until they reached dat ass, squeezing harshly.

Mackenzie gasps, Johnny taking this opportunity to attach his lips onto hers, his tongue slipping in her mouth before she had the chance to close it.

Their tongues move in sync, now, Mackenzie humming as she pulls away. She bunches her fingers in his shirt, tugging on the collar for Johnny to take it off.

"Eager, are we?" Johnny smirks.

Mackenzie rolls her hips against his, making Johnny let out a soft moan before her feeling a small bump against her inner thighs.

"I think I could say the same for you..."

Johnny growls, (an_ grrr 🐯) pushing her off of him and deep into the couch, "Don't get sassy."

Mackenzie shrugs, "I'm not; I'm just stating fax, no printer."


"Jesus..." Johnny grumbles, climbing off of Mackenzie and she sits up on her elbows.

Johnny opens the door, no one there. Annoyed, he goes to slam the door close, but is stopped when he feels cold liquid hit his body.

Mackenzie gasps, jumping up and looking at her husband, covered in red moisture- fake blood.

She covers her mouth, trying to stifle her laugh as the teenagers outside scream and cry, "HAPPY HALLOWEEN YOU OLD BAT!"

Johnny stands still, his eyes shut with his mouth pressed together in a straight line, it's not until the group of teens leave that he spits whatever was on or in his mouth out, gasping for air.

"God, Johnny." Mackenzie coughs, laughing out loud now, no longer being able to hold it in.

He turns around slowly, opening his eyes with a small smile on his face, a smile that reads I'm trying my very best not to kill all these mofos on thus block right now.

"I'm gonna go shower," He says quietly, slowly walking up the staircase.

Mackenzie nods, hand covering her mouth again.

"FUCKING KIDS!" He yells once he reaches the bathroom, Mackenzie flinching in response.

"Happy Halloween, babe!" She yells back, heading to the backdoor to meet the teens that done the deed, she winks at them, "Thanks guys."

spookyszn! my fave!

DT those who still have this in their libraries! ily

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