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Brenna pounded against his back like a beating drum. Torsten simply jostled her around to get her to stop.

She screamed and yanked at his long golden hair. His head whipped back at his mane being pulled.

"Enough!" He roared.

She went completely still. Never had she heard this ferociousness in his voice.

He entered the tent and gained the attention of everyone in the room. Some of the men smirked at his actions.

Torsten sat on the bench of his uncle's table. He faced the crowd of people and bent Brenna over his knee.

He brought his hand down on her backside a total of ten times.

Each time he struck her rump she yelped in surprise. The men began to laugh at her expense.

Brenna was humiliated to say the least. When he finished spanking her he let go of her.

She adjusted her dress and looked at him with scorn in her eyes.

Before he realized what was happening, she reeled her fist back and connected it with his jaw.

While he was still shocked in surprise, she slung him to the ground and strattled him once more. Releasing her anger upon him with punch after daunting punch.

When she finished, he lay there with blood oozing from his nose and a cut on his eyebrow.

His eye begun to swell as his lip was cracked from her strikes.

She stood and faced her people with fury in her eyes.

"May this be an example! If anyone dares insult me or tries to tame me; ye shall die a painful death! The very least of your worries will be public humiliation!"

With that she gave him one last blow. She kicked him in the ribs and he groaned.

She spat on his face and for the second time in one day, stormed out.

Asmund followed his daughter. She needed to be brought down a peg.

She burst through the door to her hut and kicked the chair to the ground. She yanked the furs from her bed and punched the wall until her knuckles bled.

Asmund no longer recognized his daughter. Ever since he came back from his voyage, something in her had snapped.

"Daughter, why do you scare me like this?" He asked.

His mighty figure loomed in the doorway.

She looked up at him, rage still burned in her veins.

"Father, I cannot possibly marry this man! He makes me sick! He dishonors me in front of my people! He humiliates me and treats me like a child! He is absolutely infuriating! I absolutely refuse to marry him! All bets are off! I now control my own fate!"

"Daughter, you will marry my nephew. It is a good marriage, despite what you may think."

She always admired how Asmund could maintain his temper. A trait she so clearly never possessed.

Tears fell from her eyes as she sobbed. She ran into her father's arms and embraced him tightly.

"There, there, Brenna. You have endured much since I was gone. It is not fair of me to burden you with this. You must understand, I do this to protect you. Torsten is just like you. He is stubborn and dances to the beat of his own drum. He is a strong fighter and does not take kindly to being disrespected. Your difficult armor shields something vulnerable and raw inside."

Brenna choked on her own tears as she released herself from her father.

"I make no promises to marry him, father. However, I will still duel him for my own heart."

"That is all I ask. Give him a chance, ja?"

Asmund caressed her soft cheek and she leaned into his gentle touch.

Brenna did not notice the curly red haired boy spying on them.

Gunnar clenched his fists and ran towards the tent in a rage as red as his hair.

Torsten was now sitting on the bench, drinking a large mug of ale.

"You and me right now, heathen!" Gunnar yelled.

Everyone in the room turned to the courageous boy.

Torsten raised an eyebrow above his swollen eye.

"You have maid my fair maiden cry! You will pay for that!"

Torsten was stunned. He had made the she devil cry? He was not even sure she was capable of such emotion.

"Boy, I will not fight you."

"Why? Are you scared I will win?" He sneered.

Torsten scoffed and stood, towering above the boy.

Gunnar tried desperately tried to hide his fear.

Gunnar barely made it up to the man's chest. Torsten was easily two heads taller than he. Nevertheless, he stood his ground.

"Very well. Let us fight." Torsten said knowing he would not change the boy's mind.

Torsten was handed a wooden sword used for training young maidens and Vikings in the ways of combat.

Gunnar held up his father's shield, who long since passed.

Brenna and her father emerged from the hut and she surveyed the scene before her.

All gathered to watch this fight.

Brenna raced over and shoved her way through the crowd. She knew Torsten would not harm the boy. Still, she did not like this.

The boy and the man circled each other. Ivar spoke explaining the rules.

"Alright, this is a duel to see who shall win the fair maiden's heart. Whoever falls first is the loser. This will be a clean fight. No real weapons are to be used. As well as no fists. You fight with your swords and shields only." Ivar said.

And with that the fight began.

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